Road to Happiness
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Lome, Togo
If only it were raining men!
The rain in Kougnohou!

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Istanbul, Turkey
Christine Smith Jen, excellent shots and excellent writing. I am not nearly as well traveled as you, but I did indeed love Istanbul and the Tokpaki Palace. The whole Sultan and harem lifestyle fascinated me and your description of the colors, textures and people brought back some good memories. If you move there, I promise to come visit.
Peter Fun to read this. I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kougnohou in the early 1980s. You've done a good job capsulizing the feel of the place. While I was there "world travelers" would wander through from time to time. They always brought them to me! (Some were welcome-- some not so much.) Anyway, glad you enjoyed your time there.
re: Lome, TogoChristine Smith Ugh! Cold, wind and rain, my least favorite things. Yep, raining men would be nice. If you should encounter that in your travels, please pick me up a a few.
re: If only it were raining men!Christine Smith Jen, excellent shots and excellent writing. I am not nearly as well traveled as you, but I did indeed love Istanbul and the Tokpaki Palace. The whole Sultan and harem lifestyle fascinated me and your description of the colors, textures and people brought back some good memories. If you move there, I promise to come visit.
re: Istanbul, TurkeyNikki Ah, one of my favorite swimmers... Summer saunders, who also happens to be on the current season of celebrity apprentice.
re: San Francisco, CaliforniaRay Is this Lea Maurer who also has some ties to the great state of Illinois?!?!
re: San Francisco, California- last visited

- travel plan
- South Korea
- Seoul, South Korea
- San Francisco, California
- New York, New York
- Casablanca, Morocco
- Lome, Togo
- Istanbul, Turkey
- Schwabisch Hall, Germany
- Nuremberg, Germany
- Vienna, Austria
- Budapest, Hungary
- Miskolc, Hungary
- Reykjavik, Iceland
- Boston, Massachusetts
- Altoona, Pennsylvania
- New York, New York
- Quito, Ecuador
- Cusco, Peru
- Machu Picchu, Peru
- San Francisco, California
Christine Smith Ugh! Cold, wind and rain, my least favorite things. Yep, raining men would be nice. If you should encounter that in your travels, please pick me up a a few.