Jenn's Trip through Asia
Hello everyone. Still no real up-to-date photographs I'm afraid, but I'm working on it. Just slightly difficult to find an internet cafe with a working USB/CD-rom connection around here... yes, I know, how do these people survive.
Arrived at Hoi An/Vietnam yesterday around midday, after a very long bus trip from Hanoi, 15 hours, and obviously I ended up sitting next to the loon who wouldn't stop singing. The only toilet stop on the trip was for guys only, sort of - all the men got off, stood in a field next to the bus, and off they went... Hiding behind bushes etc. is not the done thing in Vietnam or Cambodia because chances are you might step on a left-over mine. God, was I glad to see that lovely Western toilet in my hotel room at the end of the trip.
Hoi An is very nice and relatively chilled. It's an old, small town, which is famous for being old - i.e. not having been destroyed in the war. The hassling still continues but it's nowhere near as bad as in Hanoi. So I'll be chilling here until tomorrow evening, when I'm off on another long bus journey to Saigon. Not really looking forward to it because it's supposed to be even more stressful and annoying than Hanoi. Oh well, I might just spent all the time at various embassies, sorting visas for the next countries.
You'll be pleased to know that normal eating has been resumed. Yesterday, for the first time in over two weeks, I had three whole meals, and I was still hungry, actually. The food here is seriously gorgeous. I had another naughty but beautiful pizza yesterday, but today I will probably sample some local specialities. Or I might got for an Indian thali, mmmm, who knows.
I'm now off to collect my camera's memory cards from having been copied onto my USB stick. And then I'll be exploring the town, it's only 10am and I'm looking forward to lunch already, mmmm, and I just had the biggest ever breakfast! It's great to be hungry again.
I might also venture to the beach today or tomorrow. It's 5km from here, so the question is whether I walk or... hire a bike. Errrr. I've not cycled for about a decade and have never been good at it. But everyone goes at a snail's pace so I might just give it a go, mmmm.
Also, not that I'm complaining but: I spent a lot of money on malaria tablets to help me survive Vietnam and Cambodia and I have not yet seen a single mosquito. I'd love it to stay this way but... shame about the money and side effects.
I've also started contemplating taking a course at the Open University when I come back, which I could also do when I'm in Korea (hehe). It's been tempting me for a while actually, it's in Development Management and would be excellent for me. It's a bit pricey but I'll keep considering it for now.
I'll be off again then.
Hope you're all well,
lots of love
Jn x
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