It's time for a journal update! I figure that its pretty important to update this journal then when I get back and in years to come I can look back and remember the countries I visited on my world trip and what I was getting up to!
I'm officially off the crutches which is much. much, much better and I have on a brand new knee brace to help repair one of the ligaments (MCL) in my leg. The brace is pretty restrictive so I'm kind of half walking and limping around Queenstown at the moment. Having to rest the old knee lots so watching loads of Dvd's at the hostel, never watched so much TV in my entire life but I'm certainly enjoying some good films at the moment-mainly the ones with sexy Hollywood men in! The physiotherapy has been brilliant and I have been going there everyday and its been a real help- must say my knee feels alot better than a week ago..I was told I will definitely need an operation on the knee when I get back but hopefully I can carry on travelling until then....
Have been doing lots of walks and taking in the beautiful scenery- stunning snow capped mountains and blue skies. The weather here is alot warmer now (don't have to walk around in a huge ski coat and scarf anyway, just a jumper!!) and the first day of spring was on September 1st. Its amazing that when I first arrived to Queenstown it was snowing and cold and now its almost spring time...time goes so quickly!
The plan tonight is to get a Ferg burger...They are huge so it will probably keep me going for the next week!!!
I'm off now peeps xxx
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