Hay everyone..after a 2 day rather unsmooth ferry crossing from Shanghai we have arrived here in Osaka, Japan..yay!
Glad to have my feet on the ground again..The ferry over was nicer than we both thought but man did it sway...we had to lay down most of the time so we didnt feel sea sick! Jo was abit ill but fine now....
Once in Osaka it took quite a time to depart the boat. Some men in white coats, masks and white gloves appeared before us and took our temperatures.I havent expereinced anything quite like this before! It was kind of like we had some kind of disease or illness and the Japanese men didn't want to catch it from us. After this ordel we were free to leave the boat and collect our bags...
We collected our bags and took a taxi to the town centre. MAN ALIVE!!!!! After China prices this cab seemed to cost the earth,we had been warned Japan was pretty expensive!Compared to cheap China its seemed like we were apying the earth for our taxi ride!!!
We have just got to Osaka so were exploring at the moment! Just been down the road near our hostel to get a bite to eat and we found a whole street of just pinball games...its mad! Middle aged men are packed in these huge rooms playing endless pinball...they have whole baskets of silver pinball besides them ready to play! Most bizzare!!
Found a random tank ouside a restaurant with creatures in which were crossed between a mole/turtle...the creatures had huge teeth and looked quiet strange in apperance.This man explained to us that it was Japans "expensive dish" and helped give you good skin...we gave it a miss though! There is a photo in my online album of this mouth watering creature!
Staying in a traditional japanese room tonight...
First impressions of Osaka are seems very clean...will keep you up to date on our Japan adventures! love and hugs to all xxx
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