Got a bus from Uyuni in South Bolivia to La Paz which is famous for being the world's highest capital!! It was hard to believe that when we arrived we were at around 14,000 feet-mighty high!! Arrived very early after an overnight crazy bus journey, don't think anyone got a wink of sleep as we were too busy laughing at how bumpy the journey was!!! Once at the bus station we went looking for a hostel, many of them were cheap but also very dire!! Eventually we found a good hostel which had free internet, free pancake breakie, free bear *The hostel had its own micro brewery!!* and nice clean beds-what more could a girl ask for!!!!
La Paz is very build up with houses, markets, sellers, dogs and noisey traffic everywhere. If you imagine the centre of La Paz to be at the bottom of a huge canyon, then around the sides of the canyon is where all the houses are built. Like any large city there is traffic everywhere, in La Paz however there are endless minibuses, buses and taxies which drive around town. Here the locals call out destinations and you jump on if you want to go their.-very hectic system indeed!
We ventured into town and found the local Witches Markets which are great to look around! Loads of cool stuff to buy and also some weird and bizarre things liked dried lama foetus. There are streets and streets of markets; each street usually sells the same type of thing like fruits or clothing. The locals are so funny and as soon as you arrive at their stall their on your back to buy something!!! Some of the stalls sell such weird things like old rusty nails and there are literally about 20 stalls which sell the same! There are lots of food stalls selling pastries, cakes and bread products.-Made sure I tried a fair few and they tasted pretty good!
Love the traditional Bolivian women's dress, took lots of pics of ladies wearing their bowler hats and chewing on coca leaves. The coca leaves are supposed to help reduce the effects of altitude sickness. Some of the Bolivian women just sit by the side of the road selling fruits or veg, most of the time they are asleep-won't get any business that way girls!!!!
Took a bus from La Paz to Lake Ticacata in the north. Bolivia has a very poor road system, don't think any of the roads had tarmac, instead they are just dirt tracks full of rocks, stones and dogs running everywhere. This makes for very very bumpy journeys everywhere in Bolivia! At times I was surprised that the buses suspension could cope!!!
Once at Lake T we had to cross the lake by boat to Cococabama.Here we had to buy a bus ticket onto Puno in Peru...The crazy driver clearly told us to get off the bus, leave our bags and buy a new ticket so we did just that! After buying the ticket we came back to find our bus GONE.....I rushed up the road and saw it speeding into the distance, sh1t I thought!!! Eveyone began to panic, I was really worried as you hear stories of bags going missing all the time in Bolivia.I thought I would never se my bag again...We quickly rushed to the bus office and told the lady, she didnt really understand what we were saying though!!!! Eventaully she cottoned onto what we were saying and grabbed her mobile and rang somebody.She was yelling down the phone an then hung up...minutes later our bus came back.....Thank goodness for mobile phones hay, I really thought I would never see my backpack again!!!!Never felt so glad to see my bag again!!!
We carried onto cross the border, onto Puno and that evening arrived in Cuzco..
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