Warm welcomes from Mooloolaba dearest readers! and Yes it is a REAL place!
And so begin the few days we girlies had to ourselves - and within half an hour we were already wondering what the boys were up to...its not right i tell you! seperating our family like this, damn you Oz bus and damn you brisbane for drawing the young innocent boys to your devilish town! yeah right... ok so ow that little rant is done with, we arrived at Mooloolaba back packers early afternoon and straight away liked the place, i mean to be honest how can you not like a place called mooloolaba but the hostel itself was so nice and homely, quite clicky mind you since people had stayed there for weeks on end but apart from that, it was definitly the right choice over brisbane, and the best part, internet is like 5 dollars for 6 hours! do they realise how cheap this is?? good times for me though!
carrying on the theme of cheapness, our dinner that night was a spectacular 5 dollars for a massive chicken meal with basically as much chicken and chips as you want! so nothing to complain about as of yet which is a welcome change for me :P that night was really chilled, we literally bought s*** loads of chocolate and watched the hangover in the tv room whilst everyone else had massivly loud and entertaining good bonding sessions, and even though they did attempt to get us to join in...did i mention chocolate and a good film? wins everytime baby! plus you know, goon mixed with first impressions is never a good option (as we learnt in surf camp...:P) the funny thing is, that afternoon we had been wondering about the boys, well that evening i receieved no less than 6 calls and about 12 texts from the boys asking what we were up to whilst they were on a night out!! so they obviously missed us too, and just wernt as subtle at hiding it :P and i will be keeping those texts for future blackmailing needs just to let you all know...WILL NICHOLAS. :P
Apart from the appearence of the classic shag, marry, avoid game that evening, everything was quite quiet. and i might add that it was the boys who started this game, and it can NEVER end well, especially when there are four girls and four boys so James decided to add in the option of 'mutilate'... well, they asked! it took us a good half hour to discuss our options but they were now in place, ready for the worrying reveal that would no doubt take place in a few nights time...i have a feeling i might get shot a couple of times :P
the next morning, it rained. quite a bit. then it got sunny, but then it rained again. brilliant. even more brilliant for sophie and anna who had to walk into the next town over that morning to try and find a doctor for sophies throat that was getting progressivly worse as the days went by. now you may be thinking how can there not be a doctor in mooloolaba, well, there was, but it turned out that there was a family emergancy that meant the only doctor in the whole planet who decided to live in this dear little town was not available. now for some reason there were still people waiting to see said doctor so obviously the receptionist just couldnt be arsed to tell them to go home, or maybe they thought she was kidding? who knows, but anyway, the next clinic they found was a 'womens' clinic, so when soph went in and asked if she could show them her throat they kindly pointed out it that her throat was not a umm womanly specific part of her body (yeah that works) leaving her with no other choice (in our opinion) to loudly claim that since she had, at one time or another, had a reproductive organ down her throat she should be allowed to be seen there! now i need to make this clear that sophie did NOT in fact say this, it was simply our solution to the problem she faced, and wisely she declined our help from there on :P
we spent the day exploring the shops by the beach and trying on various outfits almost in a montage kind of fashion...but not quite - that would have been cool though! so i find this sequin dress which, ok its not the most attractive thing in the world but i reckon i can pull it off, so i go and get changed thinking ok so this doesnt look THAT bad, maybe ill get it just for s***s and giggles, then i walk out to see what the girls think and then Maddy, in all her beautiful subtlty, turns round and with a simple (but loud) 'WHAT THE f*** IS THAT?!' helps me decide very quickly not to buy the dress. given she thought it was a joke, but that doesnt really help when you think about it.... :P after that disaster we scooted on down to try the local nutritional delights...which basically means we went to a cafe and then got ice cream. good, beautiful, lovely, strange flavoured ice cream from Gellatissimo - officially the greatest ice cream i have found on my travels so far...and i have had a LOT of ice cream.
we then decided to walk down to the wharf, which apparently was the happening area of we get down there and yeah there are a lot of boats, hell theres even a little leisure center there...but there was also a load of shops that looked so old and decrepid that its no wonder no one was around - literally no one was in any shop or even walking around! we did find a massive candy shop which was a very nice site, but then we discovered that the whole area was going to be bulldozed anytime now and well, that just made it all seem just that little bit depressing, so, a couple of amusing poses on a giant shark and seal statue later, we decided to leave. but not before passing the biggest tourist attraction for miles - the aquariam, underwater world i think it was called! and i think Anna definitly got it right when she said that the place looked so old she wouldnt dare go and see any sharks incase the cages broke in front of her! getting the feel for the place yet? to be honest i think the steve erwin statue by the beach was a bigger attraction, and it was in better condition!
By the time we got back to the hostel it was reasonably sunny again, not quite sunny enough for my liking but close enough :P and we found that there were new friends to be made in our rooms (since we were in two rooms for some unknown reason), the first was a guy who replaced the girl there the previous night who in my opinion was doing very bad things using her webcam and should have seen her jump up and hide herself when we came in! ANYWAY, this guy, i cant rmember his name so obviously he had a greta imact on my life, looked like prince harry. well i thought so anyway, so i kept referring to him as harry, until the girls argued me down into admitting that he only looked 1% like prince harry - at which Anna pointed out that even she looks 1% like prince harry! and then there was Jeromy. Jeromy very quickly became an honorary member of our group and provided us with great entertainment when we spend about 2 hours trying to teach him the term 'f*** all' - which we thought was american (he was from boston) but apparently isnt! even better it took him over 24 hours to manage to use the term properly, and quickly enough so we didnt realise he had spent so much energy trying to find a time to use it! now, you should understand, things got off to a slightly shaky start with me and jeromy, only because i, for some unknown reason, decided to introduce myself as james. well, i didnt decide to, my brain decided to. you see he introduced himself as jeromy, obviously, then in a split second it took for me to respond, half my brain attempted to repeat his name the other half tried to say jenni...which kind of turned into james. i then had to backtrack quite spectaculaly in order to proove my name wasnt infact james - much to the enjoyment of the girls.
so after all the strange name issues that hopefully i will get resolved soon enough (jenni, im sure my name is jenni...) we went for chinese food down the road with the intention of going out afterwards for some dinkies to show the boys how its done. however one very important fact we forgot in our planning stages was that we were in Mooloolaba - the town of no entertainment. we stopped off on the way to get money out in a petrol station and i swear the guy behind the counter looked so much like jack nicholson! however maddy did not agree and quickly asked if i thought she looked like jennifer aniston, or sophie like cheryl cole...honestly they're just so mean to me :P
the chinese was immense, i mean really it was georgous, definitly worth it when considering the alternative would be some pasta and sauce combination, however they tried to give us the wrong bill and charge us for the group accross the rooms table - apparently they are all alcaholics and pigs, but after that we manage to pay and i went to thank the lady in charge, at which she responded "thankyou for your payment, now please leave". Serious. Turns out it was like 9pm and the place was closing - at 9pm! not a good sign for the rest of the evening! we had earlier decided, after consulting jeromy and his australia book, to go to a club called Motown - seemed like a good enough choice since we all liked motown music - however after about 30 minutes of searching the deserted town center we slipped into an empty coffee house to ask where it was, well it USED to be just a few doors down, until it changed into a different club seven years ago, and then closed down altogether 5 years ago. did i mention jeromy's book was a 2009 version and they apparently just copy and paste the same info into each new version....f*** you lonely planet! :P
so we were back after our massive night out by 10.30. given we did stop by the local bowls club for a moment to contemplate how boring it must be to live here, then we reunited with jeromy of boston and regailed him with tails of our evening, including my wonderful analogy of how to handle attractive men when your in a relationship - it goes something like this: 'men are like art galleries, you appriciate the art but you dont take it home and f*** it'. i am considering living my life by that very motto. i might even print it on a t shirt if i have time... hmmm what else happened that night? umm oh we discovered Maddy's sex song was 'birthday sex' (i have no idea how that came into conversation by the way but apparently it was journal worthy so i thought i would put it on here as well!) and we wrote a postcard to the boys, basically it had boobies on it so we figured they would like it, and labelled each of the girls as one of us and then on the back various different messages. considering they would probably get about 10 mins enjoyment max out of it, and we spent over half an hour thinking of what to say, im not sure we got the best end of the deal... the night ended with us discussing the merits of slang and how it should be shorter than the original term so when i said to jeromy im going to bedfordshire (im going to bed) he got very confused and irritated at my lack of obedience for the official slang rules :P
the next day, was well today, so hey we're up to date! this morning we went to the beach and after a slight incident involving anna's foot, some metal, two old ladies from the tourist info shop, some plastic tweezers and a couple of disinfectant wipes, we met jeromy, then after some frolicing in the sea we went for lunch, and low and behold the holiest of all holy grails was found - a pie shop!!! oh my god it was immense, i mean everyone knows i like pie, but this was something else! i had like a shepards pie with potatoe on top and everything, but in an actual pie! like a pastry case and everything!! then i had a lemon meringue PIE and was totally unbelievably beautifully satisfied afterwards :) that leads us to around oohhh about an hour ago, so basically i am ready for the bus to take us on to Noosa where we will be reunited with our lovely boys :) oh and the biggest lesson we have learnt in mooloolaba? well, except that all ozzy's use the same chat up line 'do you fancy a free surf lesson', it is now official - whatever happens in mooloolaba stays in mooloolaba.
until next time xxx
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