Glad to hear you've been having fun-were you really sick on the rides jen?i thought you were much tougher than that!(says she who can't do tea-cups!)Little bit of news...Holly has her first toothy-peg!Go Holly!!she can't wait to bite you with it when you get back!te he!Lots of love and a safe journey back
Hey Jen and Rob!
Glad to see your having a great time!How can you not like LA i loved it
Key Lime pie is great!Jen its my last day at work next weds cant believe your not going to be here but dont worry im already planing a night out for when you get back
Weve all really missed you loads on meridian!
I did tell you how good the chicken strips are in TGI's im so jelous!
Take care
love Karley xxxxx(and the rest of the ward)
Emma And Jack
Hello, where are the blogs?!! I've just started project, going ok but quite a lot to set up.
Make the most of your good weather as it hasn't stopped raining for the last few days.
I'm now very jealous of you as would love to be going to Universal Hotel- going to be amazing. Make sure you go on spiderman ride and Shrek - Oh and get me info on the new HArry Potter theme park as i have my ticket booked for when it opens!!
See you soon XXX
Hi Guys,
Sounds like you're having a fantastic time, thanks for all the updates and the piccies!! Keep 'em coming :)
Hope you got my birthday email Rob and had a great day!!
See you both soon, love Katie xxx
Thought I would say hello as a worthy distraction from revision! I had one exam yesterday which went ok so onto the next one now. I am eventually getting there and will be able to face the world outside of my bedroom again! Anyway everyone is fine- can't believe how quickly your travels are going. Hope your enjoying San Diego!!
See you in just over three weeks!
Lots of love
Suzy XXX
P.S. Hamilton won again!!
hi we decided we gonne leave the neard night when u lot is here aswell it just wont be the same without u
yeh all the guys are very exited about it....
hope u enjoy L.A.
see u soon xx
Suz you guys can have a nerd night without us that's ok. Just make sure there are more organised for when we come back! Are all the others excited about Transformers? Rob is giddy with joy over it!!!
See you soon xxx
hi hope u to are well
happy birthday rob (sorry bit late) hope u had a good brithday and many more wonderful years
we all miss u... we want to have a overnight neard night at tonys would u lot be up for it when u come back or should we just go ahead with out u... i vote u should come we cant do it without u hehe let me know
hope u enjoy ur day
take care
love suzaan
Hey super stars!
It really is good to read about your adventures!!! hmm! I'm not jealous at all (riiight!) anywhoo I need to study (huf!) but you two crazy CRAZY kids have fun!!!!!
luv Jamie
Mum And Dad
Hello both of you,we are home safely,had a good flight but a real moany old fa.t behind me who grumbled all the way.Trying to stay awake until tonight but its getting hard.Thanks for a good time,all the cousins are up for your idea Robert so i will do some ringing fancy dress shops.Take care,no speeding and no hanging over canyons...Love Mumxxx
Hey Hey,
Good to have an update at last! Mum and Dad are back safely. Same old, same old with me but i'm getting there!