After getting ready in the blink of an eye, we just caught our mini bus to Phnom Penh, a journey which would have been, dare I say it, "not cursed" if it had not been for our inability to wake up on time!! Departing at 7am we were settled at The Mad Monkey guesthouse, Phnom Penh by 2pm. The guesthouse was a good choice, previously home to a local Cambodian newspaper, there was a Spicy feel about the place. A downstairs bar/restaurnt and the most amazing roof top bar complete with a perfect view of the sunset, sofas, cushions and most importantly CIDER!! (oh how I miss cider!!) Abit exhausted we spend the evening chilling out, eating, drinking and generally not moving. Phnom Penh is really quite a bustling city, a little commercial but all in all there is lots to do..tomorrow!!
Next morning sightseeing duites are resumed, first stop S-21 and The Killing Fields. Not knowing how I would feel I arrived expecting it to be pretty horrific which well it was. It is clear the emotion is still so raw and having only taken place some 40years ago, most people in the city can relate and have a personal connection to what happened here. It really is a truely moving place to visit but does however create a rather sombre mood and atmosphere. Not wanting to leave Cambodia with this as our final thoughts we head in search of a museum, something, anything to remember Phnom Penh as the modern day city it has transformed in to.
Sightseeing done, passports back we prepare to leave Cambodia. It most definately had been emotional but Vietnam here we come...
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