Hi again, I did write loads yesterday but then it all disappeared !!! so will try again.
WED PM< Went to the GHANDI MEMORIAL it was a beautiful place so peaceful, you wouldn't believe that you were only 10 mins from the centre of Dehli. after that I went to India Gate which is the memorial for all the Indian soldiers that have died in different wars.
Then it was on to the presidential palace and parliament buildings you wouldn't think that 100 m away from all the extravagance of these buildings that women and kids are begging and living in absolute poverty on the grass verges in the middle of the roads, it really is shocking to see.
We then went to a Hindu Temple, another first for me! The guide who I thought was 60 turned out to be 34 !!!! had a hard paper round  because he's a Hindu he came in and explained everything, the rituals, gods etc (Em will be pleased to know
) that I got my first bindi from the guard of the god for sucess and prosperity Garmish I think its called
 I had to wear a scarf to cover my head and shoulders so really looked the part !!
Thurs 19th Girls and Deb, you will be pleased to know got a new guide called krishna no not harry!!!, only 27 (gettin better )
In the moring went to a mosque and Baha Temple which is in the shape of a Lotus flower, that was absolutely amazin, I'd never heard of the religion so was interesting finding out. Then for lunch which was nice but a bit wierd sitting in a restaraunt on my own, and still no fags or booze!!!!!!!! In the afternoon I went to a bazzar, which is complete and utter chaos, people bugging you every step to buy somethin, did my head in after a while, nearly everywhere i've been in Dehli is soooooo noisy 24/7 so much for my peace and quiet!!!!!
So I went to a textile centre (and Emma will be even more pleased to know) that I bought a Sari and an Indian suit with scarf  so got some new clothes for a night out when I get back, ha ha.
Well that's a short version of Dehli and moved on today Fri 20th
Had nearly a 6hr car journey to Jaipour in Rajestan, on the way I really saw some sights... Q. How many people can you get in a Shogun?
            A. 12 including the driver!!!! I couldn't believe it
Saw 4 elephants walking down the road (and no its not the start of a joke) Â also lots of camels pulling carts with alsorts on them, one had half a forest on its back.
Anyway arrived in Jaipour safe and sound got ripped off on the way for a can of coke usually 16Rs got charged 46Rs must have seen me comin!!:-)
The hotel is nice its got a bar!! so might have to test drive that, ha, ha. Went to a show this eve with great food and Indian dancers and band, had a great time and no I didnt get up to do the bindi hop!!!!!
Anyway hope everyone is doing good, and that ur all missing me!!! goin to try out the bar, then bed, coz I'm going on an Elephant ride at 8am in the mornin, LOL. Will let u know about that 2moro
 love u all XXXXXXXXX
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