So now we're back in the UK, seeing you all, saying hi, then waltzing off again into the sunset, but before we do we wanted to share with you all our observations about new zealand...
1) Dollar pies - they cost a dollar, nuff said. Evan cannot drive past a dollar pie merchant ( ie corner shop) without purchasing one, or if given enough encouragement two.... a dollar is about 35p. Best pie Evan? peppered steak apparently.
2) Organic shops, they are everywhere and they sell nice Jennifer friendly treats by weight for poor backpackers.... 3 carob coconut bars for 40 cents? don't mind if I do young man.
3) The scenery - it's all about the south island, snow capped alps, waterfalls, glaciers....
4) and the animals.... namely penguins, whales, seals and dolphins...not even .. like in a zoo or anything.. actually just there waiting to have their photo taken by us.
5) the drivers.... apparently there is no driving test in New Zealand, and this makes sense when you experience the state of the driving. There are so many road deaths each week, and if people had to do a bit more than just drive around with their parents for 2 years before getting a licence then perhaps that would improve. Most irritating and dangerous is the habit of driving up the arse of the car in front on wiggly single lane state highways.
6) the possums, often found by the side of the road, "sleeping" having had a run in with the ubiquitous dangerous driver. However, this is cause for celebration in the normally very eco friendly and nature conscious New Zealand, for possums are a pest, there are about 80 milion of them and they spread diseases, so even normally blood sport phobic people can be seen tramping round of a weekend with gun in hand.
7) hostels, much better quality than in Oz... special note for vagabonds and eugene's gluten free bread.... the free food shelf in any hostel, the thing guaranteed to excite any backpacker, wood fires and not having to book in advance coz it's winter.
all in all you should go, and if you do go, please bring back a dollar pie for evan.
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