KYAKING WAS GREAT!! we went about 4 miles and it was cool, we saw tons of fish, and the breeze coming off the ocean with the sun was perfect. Frank and Steve were in my group, and we had a big picnic on the beach for lunch, it was fun. We were out for about 4 1/2 hours. The problem with the temp being so perfect, was that i didn't feel myself getting burned, dun-dun-dun!!! haha i ended up with he most wicked face burn in the shape of my sunglasses. My first sun burn on tour and its on my face of course. That night we went to Dracula cabaret, which was AMAZING! it was so entertaining, and original. I went as a zombie, and got lots of complements from the staff haha. Afterwards we went to Sincity night club, which was kind of gay, it was lady's night so they had strippers and stuff and it was too crowded, so we went back and had a room party, it was Karl's last night, so we made him drink the Goon bag (The bag out of a box of whine) and just hung out. I drank too much whine and went to bed.
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