Greetings from Oz!!
Sorry its been a week since we last posted, I don't know where the time goes!! Josie posted last wednesday when I was ill, luckily it was only a 24 hour bug thing as on thursday evening we flew into Cairns, Australia. We had a late flight (22.20) so we arrived into Cairns at 8am so technically shouldn't have had jet lag but it was a very small plane and couldnt sleep!! Josie had a bit of trauma because her massive stash of food had to be left on the plane for quarantine reasons (hehe). So we spent much of friday in bed trying to catch up then we met up with some of the girls from our intrpid trip for a bit of a bar crawl which was a fun night. On sat we had another lazy day as it was raining the whole day (again!!) but we did manage to organise most of the rest of australia (booking bus tours etc). On sunday we went on a trip further up north to Cape Tribulation, stopping off at a few places on the way including a zoo where there were kangaroos and crocs!see pics! Cape tribulation is where the oldest rainforest in the world is and the only place where rainforest meets the beach, extremely pretty but rainy! On Monday we finally got a really hot and sunny day! We had a long walk round the coast, spent a bit of time on the beach then got picked up again to go back to Cairns, stopping off for a river cruise to croc spot! Went through Port Douglas and then on to Cairns. So we had monday night in Cairns in a differnt hostel (another good night out- St Patricks Day!) then on Tuesday we laid round the public swimming lagoon as you cant swim in the sea here because there are dangerous jellyfish! Did a little bit of shopping and booked a 2 night 3 day boat trip around the Whitsunday Islands and a 4x4 safari on Fraser Island in the next couple of weeks! Today we joined the Oz Experience Backpacker bus which we can hop on hop off where we want within reason and the drivers show you places on the way- on the way to Mission Beach today we stopped off at a waterfall called Josephine Falls and then a Crocadile Park where we watched them being fed, we fed the kangaroos and then Josie and I both HELD baby crocadiles, aren't we brave?! Mission beach is really pretty, theres not all that much here but on the beach today we watched some people skydiving on to the beach and we are getting tempted! We are here til Friday then off to Magnetic Island for Easter weekend :) Hope everyone is well, thankyou for your messages!! Take care and happy Easter!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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