The weeks are beginning to get very tiring I may have to get in on this napping business, especially as the lunches are sooo long. 3 hours on your own when it's pouring with rain are arse numbingly boring. Still today I am updating my blog sat in the sun by a lake (the cover photo) so it's not all bad! I took some demo lessons for one school last week - mental 15-20 minutes to squeeze in a 40 minute session! Wasn't sure how they would work with this school as there are 30 classes in total and they had only scheduled us 4 afternoons to work. They have now offered us extra sessions which means giving up our half day off but Tuesday morning is no good for getting anything done anyway and 2 hours teaching will top up my wages by half again. No competition in it really. Especially as I feel I have much more free time here than at home which is ridiculous as I'm working full time, but I have all of my evenings and weekends free.
It goes so quickly though that before you know it, it's Friday again and we agreed on a 'quiet night out' in the Old Quarter before the boys went off on their road trip and a girls night out Saturday. Well that didn't happen. Was stuck waiting after school for an hour for my taxi to pick me up so slightly stressed when I finally got back. We started of quietly at a street food place - well quietly minus the rendition of Fresh Prince of Bel Air which Trang has asked us to sing at her wedding - but then the place ran out of beer. We tried to move on to see the band at Watch Out bar but they only had Vietnamese ballads going on. Just around the corner we found a happy hour on cocktails in Bubble bar (making them £1 each) and it all went downhill from there. The music was good, the drinks were very good and the bar staff were friendly.
We met some kiwis who tagged along with us and I tried out my Vietnamese on the people outside who said it was very good! Note to self need to be drunk to be understood in Vietnamese. As usual we piled 8 in a 4 seater taxi and it was back to the roof. Wasn't impressed that there was no Banh Mi to be found anywhere though, not even the next day when we had serious cravings for carbs.
We were supposed to be going to an outdoor pool on Saturday but the thought of moving in water made most of us want to heave - any kind of movement was an effort. So a few of us went for a wander around West Lake and chilled in a coffee shop for the afternoon. We stumbled on an indoor market full of all kinds of 'food' including pigs trotters and live rays. I'm not normally a queasy person but after 10 minutes I had to get out - think it may have been the table full of bags of blood and insides that pushed me over the edge.
Girls night out turned into girls night in and we turned the meeting room into a mini cinema. We moved the cushions from the chairs onto the floor to make a bed and hooked up the projector for a big screen. Pitch perfect followed by This means war plus chocolate and tea - perfect after a heavy night the night before. Of course the film choices were all dependent on which males were in them and how hot they are - very shallow but hey no boys around to complain.
Sunday's weather was beautiful so spent it writing by the lake - although a guy who was sweeping kept telling me to move out of the sun every 10 minutes because I didn't have a hat on! The Vietnamese don't understand our need for a tan as many want lighter skin. Ex-pat night was a bit of a flop but downstairs in the bar the music was brilliant and the buckets were BOGOF - not the best idea with work in the morning but we shared them between a lot of us so that makes it ok right?
So far this week we have been to a small guitar shop to see a band play and they were absolutely amazing. They played a mix of Vietnamese and Western songs and asked people up to sing - everyone who got up had really good voices.
After looking like I had been punched in the face Monday morning and doing my best Stevie Wonder impression all day the conjunctivitis is beginning to clear up (touch wood). Anti bac gel is going on every 2 seconds at the moment but the 'prescription' eye drops I got from the pharmacy are doing the job. I just hope it doesn't spread to the other eye or keep getting passed around all of us!
- comments
fred lartice seems like the good days outway the bad hope your eyes clear up soon