Jodi Does Europe
I leave tomorrow from Philadelphia, and I will arrive at my "host family" around 3pm Aix time. Packing is still going on (of course), but we should be fine. My host family turns out to be a single 24-year-old woman named Alexandra (who mysteriously writes her emails from an account under the name Pierre-Jean), and I'm excited about a child-free summer. Still, I miss gearing up for 2 months of young ones, hence the photograph. Memories! I still feel like I'm going to France Camp, so it should be fun. I'll miss all of you like crazy--today has been one long goodbye phone call and it's both sad and so wonderful to know how many people I really love. You can email me at jodi dot eisenberg at gmail dot com, which I will probably check pretty regularly. May all of our journeys go well!
With love,
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