Left Calgary 3 hrs late, but it was OK to eat and then go to sleep on the plane. Both of us got 3-4 hrs, and so felt quite human on arriving at 2. Stored our summer gear, picked up the car and hit the autobahn.
We were clipping along at a fair pace (150-160kmph) when a car blew past us, followed immediately by another car going even faster, right up on the other guys bumper 'til the first guy could get into our lane. I looked over at Gus to see him grinning broadly. He loves that s**t. Fortunately, I have thwarted Gus' ability to drive for hours on end by booking hotels ahead of time, approximately 100km apart. We will do pretty close to 400km from Passau to Vienna in one day, but I can live w that.
We are in Wurzburg, charming little town. Settled into a great hotel, with lots of space in the room, and after cleaning up, went out to dinner. Walked thru the Christmas market, which could not be more charming. Obviously the social centre for the town this time of year. Lots of people milling about, drinking gluhwine and chatting, eating wurst or waffles or crepes. Tons of stalls selling unique (or not) stuff and generally just an amazing atmosphere of Christmas!
We ate in the Rathaus. I have to say that German food is much better suited to this time of year. Heavy, warm and comforting. Gus had a very delicious goose breast, and mine was tasty too, in a diner-beef and gravy kind of way. Reasonable, too. Toddled back to the hotel and had a beer in big, leather wingback chairs, next to a wood fire.
What a great first day!!
Miraculously, we both slept almost 11 hrs! I don't remember ever having done that before. Had a nice breakfast and hit the town. Had another inch or 2 of fresh snow, so the town is even more picturesque today.
Walked first to the "Residence" the enormous Baroque Bishop's palace and strolled thru the snow covered gardens (I will have to come back in spring!) We had just missed the English tour, so walked thru the town and up the hill past many vineyards, to the Marienburg fortress/castle. Had lunch sitting at a window that someone had certainly aimed a cross-bow from in days gone by. Stellar views, and then the snow started. Big fluffy flakes. Perfect.
Went back down the short way, stopping to watch the tobogganers, and back to tour the palace. It has the world's largest contiguous ceiling fresco and over 400 rooms. not heated in the winter but for rooms w canvas paintings. Brrrrr!
Stopped in the Xmas market to share a waffle and have a mug of gluhwine before going back to the hotel for a hot bath. Had dinner in an old mill on the Main, and retired to a cozy pub for some very good German beer.
Not a bad Sunday, all in all.
- comments
Jane This is a brilliant idea! Have a very Merry Christmas!
Bil Sounds wonderful! Merry Christmas.