A Pet Peeve
Just a little rant here.
I can't imagine why they have, but I have become increasingly certain that the EU has passed a law w respect to hotel showers. It seems that the water-tightness of a hotel room shower must be in direct inverse proportion to the water pressure. That is to say, if you have a water-tight shower cubicle (never large enough for me, let alone a man of 6 ft, if you please), then the water pressure shall not exceed a fine dribble. However, if you have affixed a small glass shard to a bath-tub as more or less an afterthought, you are allowed to crank the pressure up to a skin-stinging blast. This is so the entire bathroom, most especially the toilet seat and paper across the tiny room, can be thoroughly soaked.
I've yet to work out the corollaries w respect to absence of floor drains and the slickness of the tile, but I begin to suspect there are hefty subsidies if you can prove a certain percentage of your guests suffer fractures, pulled groins or at the very least are mildly concussed upon exiting the shower.
Maybe Oliver Stone could do a movie.
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