Jeff Dogg On Tour
Its the morning after the full moon party and i am definatly feeling the effects of the buckets i drank last night!
Our night started off with all of us having dinner together and having a few beers,afterwards we headed over back to team sweeden bungalo where all of us sink a bucket. Just to explain what a bucket is...its a bucket filled with half a bottle of your choice of spirt or liquor then a leathal red bull and cola mix for aboit 2 pounds!It seriously knocks you for six!
After the buckets and covering our bodies with glow in the dark paint we made our way to the beach where the party is being held...the beach was packed!!
I was told that there were about 10000 people going to on the beach all partying and i didnt really believe it BUT its true. There were thousands of stupidly drunk people everywhere dancing to the music..which by the way was like hardcore trance so it wasnt really my thing but still had fun anyway!
The night was SO hectic,Dave and I just stagged around having a laugh and mingling in and out of different clubs in the beach. As Dave left today on the early Bus back to Bangkok he had to be in bed earlier than everyone else but he ended up staying out til about 5am and i stayed up till around 9am so i could wave Dave off!I still havent slept yet and im just going to bed now...its 12am!
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