Woke up pretty early this morning best nights sleep so far, Got up early grabbed some breakfast and had to bring Phil his breakfast as he couldn't move from his hammock, We then just headed down to the beach at Ten and relaxed while our hangover went away, grabbed some lunch at around Two as we both finish our meal Kish shows up looking hungover as hell and had left his wallet back at Spicy Tao, Phil covered his tab went for another Two hour swim and kish telling us what kind off night he got up to after he left us to talk with some other people, He started chatting up this hot girl then made out he gets a B.J then shortly after that he starts feeling up her leg and find that this girls not really a girl at all! Hahaha.
We head back after our swim to get back In time for the all you can eat BBQ For 180B. Pong was telling us about the history of Thailand for about one hour before we started eating, Such an amazing BBQ not a single bit of food was left over, We all just hung out for the next hour then started playing some more ring of fire then out again to Lotus bar for yet again another night out. We all showed off our dance moves in our circle then started talking to other people around the beach, Get to near the end of the night and there was a crowd of people around the end of the decking area popped over to see what the fuss was and I get there to see Kish laying on the ground passed out, Someone saw him fall off and hit his head so me and three people helped me carry him to the end off the road by a 7-11 asked a taxi how much it would be to take three people to SpicyTao 400B so told that guy where to go two minutes after that some motorbike with a side kart pulled up collecting the rubbish so asked him 200B said yes rights away out kish on top of the rubbish and got back to the hostel and lifted him up to his bunk, So my night was cut short so couldn't be fussed to go back out at this point so just crashed out.
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