So many sheep! Il bet the Welsh people their love it? Got to agree with ele the weather heres not great! Il get over it though, at least here, i still get to watch deal or no deal everyday! Unlucky for all you travelers
well jessica the weather here is cold cloudy and wet!!!!!! bet ur jealous of me now
Ruth & Deryk
Hey Girls,
Thought we would send a quick note to say we are missing your music above us Jo and your smiley face! We are so glad you are both Ok and having a good time-Becs arrived in Fiji yesterday- her email address is [email protected] so email here in a couple of weeks when she gets to NZ.
Your Mum is doing well although we are going to drag her into Brighton one of these nights for an all nighter!!!LOL!!!
All our love,take care and be happy-Ruth and D xxxx
nz today then! if ur pretending to be out of lord of the rings jessica what charater are u? smegal (not sure on spelling) hehe. i miss you both so much. im back at uni now in rainy london. my filming at tate modern was very good the editing will be finished in march and i have been invited to the privet view. bet i look stupid in it tho. look after your selfs!
Your besty Ellie
hope y'all having a brilliant time. I wana go to New Zealand!
Rimmer Clan
Great to hear you're really 'there' ! Laura-Beth and I are working on your notice board - hope to have a starter up on Sunday. Praying for you and wishing we could have a bit of sun!
lots of love A,A,L,L-B,J and A
it was great to be able to look on the website this morning and get your message that you'd arrived and were having a good time. I hope Joannie got her bag back. It's raining here. The house feels very spacious but there seem to be a lot of clothes to wash!
Hello you two young adventurers, good luck on your world domination-esq journey! - You will both be really missed and envied.
keep us all updated regulary, be safe and urrm don't forget your toothbrush. x
Hey girls, im going to miss you so much but i hope you have a wicked time cant wait to hear what you have been up to.
Lots of love
your best friend Eleanor