Hi. Glad you are having a good time! Its snowing here as well, 3rd time this winter we've had a reasonable amount which is unheard of in cornwall! I've got fieldwork for my course tomorrow which will be interesting, but we'll be on the coast so it shdnt be too bad.
Have a great time
Ruth And Deryk
Hi Jo,
It sounds like packing pears p----d you off! Grim-glad you are out of there and travelling again! Things are just becoming springlike in Mayfield-still freezing but the sun is out! Hurrah!
Your Mum looked a picture the other day when l suprised her when she was painting the bathroom. She was dressed in what looked like a big babygro covered in paint! She looked so sweet!She is so pleased with her bathroom! D & mwe are planning our month away over Christmas and don't know whether to head for Western Aus or NZ. It sounds like NZ is so beautiful.Becs is loving it too.
Have fun and lots of love and kisses
Ruth and Deryk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gotta agree with Hannah, but still like the fact that i have a large selection of underwear to choose from!!! Just kiddin' am jealous really!!! Keep truckin' you two!
Jealous. Like Majorly. England is Gay
Hi, looks and sounds like you are having a fantastic time. Regretting not taking a gap year now but I suppose theres plenty of time to travel after uni! Weather has been pretty grim here but havent got much free time for all the work/reading ive got so doesnt bother me too much.
Glad you're having a good time
hey peeps, sounds like u two r havin a whale of a time! awesome! tis a bit s***ty over here in england at the mo, nothin exciting going on! Big Hugs 4 u both!
iv got very important news which will make u want to jump on the next flight home.........................................................IM NO LONGER A............................BLOND BOMBSHELL..................im a red hot auburn! can u belive it..... looks cool tho just fancied a change. c u in a few days then when u get ur fllight back. i love u guys
SHEEP SHEEP bloody SHEEP!!! Put some pictures of something else on for a change! We have enough bloody sheep here thanks! Sounds cool though, if you like sheep that is
Oooh I forgot to ask. Are you going to do a sky dive? amy and I did ours in taupo, pretty spectacular over that lake! think also its the best value place, well it was when were there. Anyway wherever you do it will be incredible. also in Queenstown we did this bungy jump while paraglyding, that was pretty cool too. Sorry if I told you this all already. Hope its useful. Let me know what Nelson and Queenstown are like, had good times in both those places. xxxx
Hey! Next time put up a picture of your ugly mugs. I don't believe you're there, even though I went with you to the airport!! Just do it.
Went to a frisbee tournament last weekend, had a wicked time so good in fact that I am now ill. How's that for ultimate dedication?!?
Hans x
Hope you are having a good time, and hope that you are having a good tim, and joane you had better have gone bungy jumping
Mt Doom sounds nice jecs! hehe. i hope the farm is ok and dont get burnt when gardening, just as well im not there as ill be looking like a sun dried tomato. it sounds soooo nice with all the lakes and stuff. its not raining here anymore really sunny now but bloody cold. my party went really well some such good costumes about 18 of us so it was just right. jessica your parents and you will be proud i only drank pink champange from nz. miss you!!