The adventures of Jon and Jecs!
We flew here solely to get our russian visas, we wnt to the embassy 3 times...vvvvv anniyong, scary and stressful, but , thank god, we have them now!(joanne thanks the prayers from home) so we will make it through mongolia and on to Russia, it better be nice, it was such a palava to get in!
Shanghai is wierd!full to the brim with chinese ppl but with absoloutley no chinese culture!it is just sky scrapers and flashing lights! also jons camera got knicked :-( so no more pictires on the interent!we were vvvv upset as there were some really good pictures of vietnam that she hadnt yet managed to get annoying! We also said goodbye to Chris today our travelling buddy for 3 weeks, he is off back home! how sad. We are off to Beijing 2nite on the train, i am hoping we will like it better!
Chinese are a little strange, they keep taking pictures of us!and speaking to us in chinese, which is a bit scary, as we sont look very chinese!....roll on mongolia!
loce jecs and jon
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