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Lý Thái Tổ, Vietnam

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Chương Dương Độ, Vietnam

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tt. Sa Pa, Vietnam

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Phú Hội, Vietnam

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Cửa Đại, Vietnam
Monica Greenwood All looks and sounds as it should, colourful, exotic and not always running to order. Oh that Vietnamese street food. Off to the Burns do tonight, busy practising Scotland the Brave on my whistle, now that's a tricky one. We will raise a glass to you, och aye. Keep well, see you soon, Monica xx
Lyndsay Just caught up with your blog. Sounds as though you enjoyed Hoi An and Hue as much as we did. Hope Hanoi stands up to expectations and if you have time the water puppet show is very Vietnamese!
re: Hooray for HueMonica Greenwood All looks and sounds as it should, colourful, exotic and not always running to order. Oh that Vietnamese street food. Off to the Burns do tonight, busy practising Scotland the Brave on my whistle, now that's a tricky one. We will raise a glass to you, och aye. Keep well, see you soon, Monica xx
re: Tai chi at dawn!Eve Looks like you were very fortunate with flight. Flights from 9.20 were delayed by hours or cancelled! No snow here yet! Have fun xx
re: Looking good for onetime departureJonathan Sounds like you had a great time in Saigon. I think crossing the road there is one of life's great challenges. As you say you have to keep going at a steady pace. The worrying thing is seeing a famly of five on one bike. Sorry about Mr Poo going on a bit! Sounds like that your independence has really taken you away from the mass tourist tracks which is great. We look forward to hearing all your news. The sight of a Vietnamese pink lady on her boat with the famous hat is hopefullly recorded on your camera. Have a safe trip back.
re: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnamannie Well, my dears! Your journal brings to life the sounds, smells and experiences. You've obviously had a great time and looking foeward to seeing you - what day ae you back? love Annie
re: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnamlyndsay davison What adventures - so looking forward to hearing/seeing more on your return. Most sounds fascinating. Killing fields harrowing, but I remember M and J found that. I think only 6 people survived the school if it is the place where they tortured people. I do remember the era unfolding live and the Cambodian tragedy being highly disturbing as it was happening.
re: Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamJonathan Sounds quite an adventure! I wonder where the pigs had gone! Anyway you were both very brave to ride a motorcycle and then guide a taxi home. All I remember of Phnom Pen was the terrible pot-holes on the way to the moving and shocking Kiling Fields memorial and our driver saying that all policemen were corrupt! It all sounds brilliant and fascinating. Getting a bit warmer here at the moment.
re: Kampot, Cambodiaannie I remember when I was travelling around SE Asia with a couple of male medics for a while, local people loved stroking their legs and arms - because of the obvious wiry hair on forearms and legs. As I now know the (exposed) parts of Brian's body fairly well (!!), has he been exposed to similar experiences?
re: Siem Reap To Phnom Penh, CambodiaNaze Fascinating story, sounds a lot like one published in a book called 'The Killing Fields'. I hope you're feeling better now dad, Love you lots xxx
re: Siem Reap, CambodiaNaze Han...you're getting slow. Angelica Jolie? I do hope this was deliberate. I can see dad's face reddening as I read...good use of PC 'Japs'. Would love to hear more details! xxxx
re: Angkor Wat, CambodiaKaz Wow- mum how did you manage to look so glamorous with 10kg of luggage? This place looks amazing- where are you? Next photo of you eating fried cockroaches please.... uurrrgghhh!!!
re: 1 February 2011Boney Loving the blog - sounds like you're having an amazing time ... Did you eat any of the cockroaches?? Can't wait to see you! Xx
re: Siem Reap To Phnom Penh, CambodiaHannah Karen! Nooooooo....that no longer works I'm afraid....they tend to throw them back at you with absolute disgust and demand 'dollar'...it's the same if you offer to buy rice rather than give money! Anyway, all sounds amazing.....did you make sunset on the temples? Can't wait to hear next update xxxx P.s Plants watered, house cleaned, birds fed, rubbish taken out and cards posted! And....I have discovered the cooking utensils! xxxx
re: Angkor Wat, Cambodia- last visited

- travel plan
- Bangkok, Thailand
- Luang Prabang, Laos
- Siem Reap, Cambodia
- Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Kampot, Cambodia
- Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Doha, Qatar
- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Lyndsay Just caught up with your blog. Sounds as though you enjoyed Hoi An and Hue as much as we did. Hope Hanoi stands up to expectations and if you have time the water puppet show is very Vietnamese!