My new friend is a German girl named Suzann.
We became friends in Abel Tasman when we bonded over our mutual dislike for a stinky English girl who never left our hostel room the entire time we were there.
Suzann was heading to the coast the day after next and we discussed the possibility of fitting my bike into her car and joining her on the road.
After a tad bit of minor mechanical tweaking - we fit the bike in!!!
We had an awesome time and both really enjoyed the company - a welcomed switch from solo adventuring.
I got to see and do things that I otherwise wouldn't have if I cycled and I also got to bypass some killer hills - pretty happy about that ;)
We decided to treat ourselves and dine out in Greymouth. Later I realized it was Canadian thanksgiving when my mom asked if I celebrated with a good meal - inadvertently, I did. And do I ever have heaps to be thankful for!
It was a tradition growing up in my house that before eating thanksgiving dinner we go around the table and say something we are thankful for. Here's a few things on my list.
I'm thankful for:
- Meeting Suzann, going on an awesome roadtrip, her curing my short-term dislike for German accents, and her bug-eyed excitement for our Noah's Arch (hostel) pig themed dorm room.
- Pancake rocks and the pancake castle where I will one day live with my pancake king and our children Panny and ... Cake. The maple syrup will obviously be a direct import from Canada.
- Rugby. Enough said.
- Possum fur nipple, bellybutton and willie warmers. These items actually exist and I have photos to prove it.
- Kiwi hospitality!
- My only bike accidents so far being extremely comical, slow falls that happened from me adjusting to my new clip-in cycle shoes; the result was some unfortunate bruising that prevented comfortable sitting. So embarrassing.
- And, of course, all the usual stuff - my fab family and friends, good health, for simply being lucky enough to be born in Newfoundland (duh!) and, obviously, my long flowing blond hair, baby blue eyes and barbie-like figure (haha!).
- comments
Z Tee hee hee.... Panny & Cake.