Hi all!
Firstly, thank you to my family for all the lovely messages they make me smile when I read them! Secondly, sorry the blogs have been a bit scattered. It can be hard to find the time to update it when most of our internet time is used up booking flights/hotels/research of our next destination! However I have much to tell you now! After leaving Langkawi, we headed on a long long bus journey to Kuala Lumpur. We are comfortable enough now with travelling that we had no accomodation booked so we just got a taxi to a little hostel for the first night and then walked and found somewhere a little nicer for the rest of our time in the city. While there we visited the KL tower which was fun as it included a little zoo where we watched a Boa squash and eat a mouse. Perhaps it was only me who enjoyed that bit haha! I've always wanted a snake but was never allowed one for some reason...anyway, we also did a bit of window shopping (we are too poor to actually spend any money plus my bag is full to bursting) and on our last day we took a city tour which showed us all the main sights including the twin towers. After KL we moved on to Sabah in Malaysian Borneo. We originally wanted to book a GAP tour to do this area but that didn't work out so we decided to go it alone! It actually worked out really well...and much cheaper too! We visited Kinabalu national Park but did not climb the mountain. Mostly due to the fact that it stands at over 4000 metres - half the size of everest!!! We also spent a night on turtle island and witnessed a huge turtle laying her eggs as well as releasing some very cute little hatchlings into the sea! The next day we visited the orang-utan centre in Sepilok which was just amazing. One of the orang-utans has just had a baby only 2 weeks before and it was just so incredibly cute! got some fantastic photos and video footage! We then spent 2 more days in Kota Kinabalu and decided on a whim to go white water rafting! It was a very fun day! to start with, we were supposed to be taking a train to the place where we were picking up our raft but the train wasn't running that day so we ended up sad on a little wooden platform sat on the tracks with just enough room for the two of us ans a man who pushed us along the tracks with a wooden stick! Possibly the most bizarre form of transport we've used yet. It was made all the more hilarious by the fact we got hit by monsoon rains and became completely drenched. We may as well have swam in the river! The rafting itself was an unforgettable experience. It was hard work and a little scary at first but turned out to be one of the most fun and exciting activities we've done!
We are now in Bali in Indonesia and are staying here until sunday when we move onto the Gili Islands which are located just off the island of Lombock. Then we head to singapore for a few days and fly home from there. We are excited to see everyone but needless to say very sad that we are leaving in just 2 weeks. It has been the most amazing experience of our lives and although we are now very poor, I know neither of us would change a second and we don't have a single regret! Will try and blog again before our return on the 16th Dec but no promises as the Gili Islands only run on generators and these are often unrealiable so internet may not be available!
Missing you all and will hopefully speak to you soon.
Lots of love always, Jay and Laura xxx
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