Really enjoying looking at your piccys. It looks like your having a fab time x
Ellie Reade
Hiya Jayne - fab pictures chick!
Not sure if you hear the news but Sara gave birth to Padraig on Friday 13th (5lb 8oz). Both are doing well - we've got a picture already so will forward to you on your return
Ellie xxx
i love the maths question you have to solve to write on here haha..
Looks like you're having an amazing time! very very jealous. i bet you even quite liked that HUUUGEEE spider i've seen a pic of lol.. can't wait for you to put the next batch up!
have you drank goon or eaten kangeroo yet?!
Ellie Reade
Hello Jaynie Waynie!! - glad to see your enjoying yourself!
Suz forgot to say that I won best cake at the away day too - you know from the payroll bake sale! Dead chuffed, won a bottle of vino!
Looking foward to seeing more piccies of down under.
Lots of love and miss you loads
ellie xxxxxx
Mike O''connor
Hi darling.
Loving the blogs and pics so far, you're obviously having a fantastic time. Keep the blogs/pics coming (Including surfer dudes!!!!!)
Mike x
Suzanne Holt
Guess what... we WON the away day!!!!!!
Our stall was by far the least loud / interactive and didn't have any food, but when I explained what we'd done to Neil Nisbet he said he was really touched and thouhgt it was fantastic! All 3 judges rated us first!
So well done kiddo!!!
Alfa Pappa
And now I'm distracted from work thinking about hunky surfer dudes.. thanks Jodie!
Come on Lady Jayne, we want to hear more!!
Loving this site! Isn't technology fab! Great to hear you eventually made it over in Oz. I hadn't thought about pics of surfer dudes till the others mentioned it. Now thats what I'm wanting! No pressure. thinking of you. Luv T XXX
Hey Waynie, hope your having a fab time??? Please, please, please post some pics of hot surfer dudes, am sure that will keep us warm in nasty cold england!!!! speak soon xxxx
c'mon im waiting for another blog from alice springs! hope all is going well? met any sexy surf dudes yet??? lol
take it easy jode x
Hi Chick, I still can't believe that you're really the other side of the world - wow! Glad you got there safely!!! Have a fab time!
Glad you got there ok chick, good first blog keep em coming and have a wonderful time. x x x