My journey to the gold coast did not start off as well as I hope I tell ya. Me and jako dragged our butts out of bed at 4am on sat morning, catched a taxi too the airport and got into the Line for the Brisbane flight. It became our turn to check in so as you do we gave all our passport and check in details to the guy behind the desk, were standin there waiting for him to check us in when he turns around and says im afraid to say vut your a day early for your flight. OMG a day early so that means we just dragged our butts out of bed for nothing. Well panicked kicked in, Jako was not looking to impressed seein is that we got up at 4am to get on the bloody plane. Any way the guy sorts it so we are able to get on to the flight but thats after us paying and additional $120 each for the ticket.
Well any way since we have arrived at the Gold Coast every thing has run alot smoother. The hostel we re stayin at is o.k but the bathroom is seriousley minging oh and the bunk beds make you feel like you are on a bloody boat. Other than that its nice. People are much more friendley here and me n jako have met some class people.
I went with to Dream land on Sunday its ozis version of Alton Towers. It was really good and yes I did back out of going on one ride but hey you should of seen it. Oh and I got to stroke a Kangaroo, which is top. They are alot scaryer than on TV.
Now one bad thing that has happened is that Jako got mugged, which could only happen to Jako!!
I have mostly just lounged about whilst being at the gold coast and caught up with a few friends. Im feeling extremely lazy and I have no idea how im going to get me self in to a routine again. Hey a life of a bum is not that bad you know. he he!!!
 Im off to Newzealand next week, which shold be brlliant. We have rented out a caper Van for when we are there so we ar ejust going to live for a week in a van, eating by the road and sleeping at some of the most beautiful sites.
Up to know my favourite place must be the Gold coast as its just a completeley different way of life here.
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