Hi u 2, long time no speak, been kinda busy with baby Emmie. hope u both ok, u not posted any messages for a while. Ethan is getting well excited that you will be home soon, when do you actually arrive in England? Thanks for the card for Emmie, she got loadsa cards about 30. She is 7 weeks old now, and she is a little pickle, cant wait for you too see her, she looks just like Ethan! Poor child! haha only kidding. We at Carol's 4 dinner so thought i would send you a message, Carol feeding Emmie at the moment. Anyway gonna go now, take care keep safe and see you in about 10 days!! LUL. Keez, Daz, Ehtan & Baby Emmie. xxxxxxx
Hey U 2!
How's it going in Oz? Are we gonna see any piccys? Can you not get on the internet? I'm checking your blog here, but you not had a chance to update since Hong Kong!! Will try and txt you tomorrow make sure you both ok. Lotsa luv to u both, stay safe. XXXXXX
have u forgotten about us?!
Hi Ya. Its Big Lil Sis here!Ethan is on my case he wants to know if you have brought him any Ecko stuff yet. And have you seen any cool graffitti? Been looking at all your pics, and looks like you having a really good time. Have tried to text you a couple of times, dont know if you got them or not. Ethan was really upset at New Year coz you weren't here, and he keeps asking when you are coming back! All going well with Baby Bump, only 22 weeks to go AAAHHHH! Looks like its a girl! Well gonna go now, coz using Dave's computer. Stay well, Keep Safe. Speak again soon. Miss U Lots. Love Keez, Daz, Ethan, & Bubba Bump. xxxxxxx
Hi U 2! Sorry Kayleigh, I didn't know it was your Birthday on the 27th Jan! Hope you had a good one, so belated Happy Birthday wishes to you. take care both of ya, talk soon. XXX
hey u 2. happy belated birthday kayleigh! hope you had a good one. sophie was 16 on the 26th she went to see the pussycat dolls with katie rix. she had a great time! i have tried texting you both on number you gave but doesnt seem to be working. hope i got the right one? will try again soon. lotsa love to you and jay. tell him ryans getting o n alright with the car. speak again soon. take care. sis & the gang.xxxxxx ps. by the way- keely is having a girl! due on 7th july.
Rick & Katie
happy birthday kayleigh, love rick, katie, aliyah and bump x x
happy birthday kayleigh. we all enjoyed looking at the pics keep them coming. take care. xxxxx swimming club is going well i am now the first in my lane luv elouise xxxxx
hi just thought id wish you a happy birthday xxx hope your having loads of fun xxx
Happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you, happy bithday dear kayleigh, happy birthday to you . Hope you have a great day, lots of love to both of you. speak to you soon love mum & dad xx
compelled to use my laptop so while i am here happy birthday for the 27th all my love to you both nan. ps i will talk to you as soon as i get my confidence going.
The Baldwins
hi you 2, glad to see you're both having fun fun fun...looks totally amazing, not jealous, loving the gale force winds and heavy daily down pours that comes with living here!!! a bit disturbed after clicking on your pics of thailand and the first one filling my screen was of your butt hole jase....nice!!!! lol...loving your body paint!!! take care, be in touch again. lots of love, seb sam harvey and ralph xx