So, Chile. Very different to ARgentine, first of all the people. They have very thick accents and at times quite hard to understand, and from what I´ve observed are generally a lot more laid back and relaxed than the argentines who are loco! (In a good way!!!).
The drive from Argie to Santiago was very pleasent, up through the amazing Andes chain, past Mount Aconcagua (worlds 2nd highest mountain) and down again through the dry, but fertile moutainous lowlands of Chile. Had to stop at customs for 2 hours to have bags checked and x-rayed! Funn y this, they don´t check for weapons or guns or alcohol , no they´re looking for apples and fruit and as not to upset the agriculture and risk plagues etc...
So Santiago is a very nice city, quite a bit samaller than Buenos Aires, but surrounded from all sides by the Andes (which become snow capped in the winter). Its hard to see them though due to the smog and haze from the city. The opposite of Buenos Aires (which, the capital of Argentina, feels very european/parisien) Santiago feels very modern, clean and resembles a city of the USA (like what you see in the movies), lots of high rise buildings, and sky scrapers etc...)
Spent Wedesday exploring the city, on foot and bus tour. Left the hostel at 9am, got back at 10pm pretty shattered. Theres a fair bit to see and do, but overally it´s just a nice city to take your time and enjoy the surroundings; the mountain views, the american style neighbourhoods and commercial centres and cafes etc... Theres not nearly as much to do here as Buenos Aires, and for me a day in the city was enough...I´m not particularly interested in shopping, cafe-ing, restaurant-ing. It´s also very hard (i found this in Buenos too) to see a countires culture from it´s capital city. If you think about, it´s the same with London. Although being a symbol for the UK, it doesnt reflect the true British culture. I don´t know!!! But Santiago is a pleasant place, good weather, lots of magnificent government buildings and museums etc... unfortuantely that sort of stuff doesn´t interest me (i prefer more sight seeing, culture, adevnture). But still, I´ve enjoyed my time here, and would come back to spend time here (maybe another 6 months away from home?!).
Spent today on a rip to the beach! To the pacific ocean towns of Valparaiso, and Viña del Mar, which were very nice, very hot and very beachy like. Parts of it resembled benidorm, with the high rise flats etc... but other parts were like very relax, laid back beachy towns. I am considering going back to take surfing lessons, I´m just not sure whether to do it now (it is ver hot at this time of yoear!), or leave it till Feb, March time? Or, go to Uruguay and do it. Tough lifestyle, back packing!!!.
Then here in Chile are Easter Island and also Robinson Crusoe Isalnd, whcih are actually in Asian Polynesia, but are Chilean territory. These are the properly tropical islands, coconuts, hammocks, natives, thinking Shipwrecked or Castaway. Easter Island is the one with the giant stone heads (see the picture above). I´d love to go there, but to get there from Santiago in Chile, by flight is a grand return! So, I´ll be giving that one a miss at least for this trip. There are plenty of stone heads on the islands, but some of them have been dug up and moved to other countries. One of them is here in Chile, and I saw it today, along with native people doing dances (in a dress made of honoloulou style dress and not much else!!!), so I´ve been close to one of them heads at least. Although I was told one of them is in the UK...doesnt surprise me really!!!
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