First day - Denver to L.A. to Lima
Denver, Colorado
Little more than 48hrs before leaving the good ol' USA for a four month backpacking trip around the world! No! I'm not ready yet. My pack was busting at the seams --then I realized I hadn't put any socks in, or extra bra, or tooth brush. I was too busy making sure I had enough rope and mosquito netting for the hammock that I will swing in on a slow boat down the Amazon. 44lbs is all I get--so bar soap not liquid, listerine is mouth wash & antiseptic, shirts must match shorts, pants and skirt (yes one skirt and head scarf for religious areas) and only the most important pages of the guide books made the final cut. I don't remember this much stress when I did this in my 20's &30's. Maybe I really did get old. One more time! Push the limits, get uncomfortable, learn new things then come home to realize how truly blessed I have been.
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