Hey guys......
Just to let u know that were still alive.......ha ha
Having so much fun in these mad place's although we have had a few close encounters with just about ever car,bike and tuc-tuc on the streets. We are just coming to the end of are 15day tour of Thailand, Loas and Vietnam and are in Honoi at the moment it was so much fun but defentaly a real eye opener with people living in pretty poor conditions and the food!!! Rice Rice and yes more Rice.... But still very tasty all the same. We have been billi billi rafting again but this time it was even better with pretty much all the villiage at the river side with plenty of beer and food celebrating there New Year festivel and then went on to have a ride on the local elephants which was a amazing experience and as u can imagine we got the cheeky one that wanted to go his own way but we managed to get back safe and sound. We also went tubing in Vang vieng in loas and as we got down the river we found out pretty quicky that it wasn't your normal tubing with about 10 local pubs made from bamboos and so crazzy big rope swings (flying foxes) and after a couple of beers for some dutch courage we all had a excelent time.
Traveling has been a good laugh on its own!!! From buses,tuc-tucs,vans to boats and trust me there's no limit to how many people u can fit on.There has been a few times where we have said to the tour guide "We really going on that" or "Are we all going to fit on" and of coures he say's "of course" i think he though we were joking.
We hope all is well at home and that everyone is counting down the day's....
see u all soon jay and nat...... Â
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