Happy Birthday Jason - hope you enjoy your day. Just read your email Dawn and then realised I'd been abit bit early with my belated birthday wish last week - god knows what planet I was on -but better early than late!! Looking forward to your next update. Take care.xxxx
Happy Birthday Jason (Today) and it looks like you are both having a fabulous time. You are going to places I have never seen but one day i may venture to.
Love to Dawn
Tricia Schofield
Hi Dawn, sorry I missed you, I came back to work just after you had gone! Hope you are both having a great time, Mary has just given me the address for this site and I think it's a brilliant idea! Take Care xx
Happy birhtday to you,happy birthday to you,happy birthday dear jason,happy birthday to you-hip hip horray!
werent sure when you would be logging on to read your messages so this could be an early birthday message or a late one- hope its not late though! Dont know what you will be up to on your special day but whatever youre doing bet its going to be one of the best birthdays youve ever had! Enjoy yourself my little bruv and enjoy this one as next year is the big one you oldie-your catching me up slowly but surely.Have a great time get dawn to buy you a birthday drink only one though-you would only need one to be totally mashed one coke that is! no doubt dawn will have your drinks for you so look after her as you carry her home! All the very best to both of you look foward to reading next journal entry and seeing next lot of photos-really love seeing your faces seems like your not so far away- dawn great to see your little pigtails come up on screen-you both look so very happy and thats all we could ever want for the two of you-love you both look after each other lisa mark and as always big kiss from jamesxxxx
Hi jay and dawn,thanks for the postcard of the taxi-had a laugh thinking four of you got into one!
Everyone is fine back here. Me and dave havnt been up to much just packing things up bit by bit ready for the move.Getting really cold now back home-you lucky devils wont be missing the weather! No gossip for you everything is just ticking by nothing exciting happening.Read your last journal entry on the 19th sounds like your having the time of your life.Glad to hear you werent attacked by the monkey's.
Wonder where you will be for your big day jay-got to be better than if you were back home as it would have just been a usual day at work for you jay-instead youve got no work no stress just the whole day to spend with your lovely lady doing whatever takes your fancy-oh sorry this is a message from your mother dont want to put ideas in your head!
Going to say goodbye now to the two of you as always love you and miss you both.Happy birthday son for tuesday know you arent here but will text you on the day and be thinking of you-love mom +davexxxxxxx
Hi jay and dawn,thanks for the postcard of the taxi-had a laugh thinking four of you got into one!
Everyone is fine back here. Me and dave havnt been up to much just packing things up bit by bit ready for the move.Getting really cold now back home-you lucky devils wont be missing the weather! No gossip for you everything is just ticking by nothing exciting happening.Read your last journal entry on the 19th sounds like your having the time of your life.Glad to hear you werent attacked by the monkey's.
Wonder where you will be for your big day jay-got to be better than if you were back home as it would have just been a usual day at work for you jay-instead youve got no work no stress just the whole day to spend with your lovely lady doing whatever takes your fancy-oh sorry this is a message from your mother dont want to put ideas in your head!
Going to say goodbye now to the two of you as always love you and miss you both.Happy birthday son for tuesday know you arent here but will text you on the day and be thinking of you-love mom +davexxxxxxx
Yvonne Wilkinson
Like the sound of the Full Moon Bar and the sunsets! Been one or two decent ones over the Humber Bridge this week. You look so happy together and definitely already getting your all out of this trip! I'm quite envious but only 7 weeks and I'll be up an Alp. Had a trial run with Rick on Monday at Xscape as he wanted to try out his new ski boots. Looking forward to this weekend's exciting event in Swine - car boot in village hall. Thinking of you Fordy and love to you both. Yvonne xx
Hi again. Been looking at latest entries and wow! Yes Dave will be very jealous of those waterfalls, even I thought it looked fantastic. It looks like you're having a fab time - make sure you keep drinking that beer (enough for me and Sharon too!). Everyone here is fine. Bens having a right busy time lately, he's been partying, going for tea at friends houses - his social life is better than mine! We have just got some song sheets for Ben's school play - he is a cloud?? Bit tricky teaching him the songs cause I don't know the tunes, they're not Xmas songs we used to sing!! Jakes talking is coming on in leaps and bounds - infact he doesn't shut up - why? where? who? constantly. Oh, and happy belated birthday to Jason. Bye for now.xxxx
How good is this!! Love being able to check out what you have been up to and it's nice to make sure you are both safe and well. Nothing really much to report, missed you more than ever last weekend at Butlins, not the same without you!!!
Keep Safe and Happy Travelling. Joanne xxxx
Hi bruv,hi dawn.hope your both well-you look fantastic on the photo's so we are no longer worrying that you are living rough or starvin infact it looks like your having too much of a good time!
wicked picture you sent mom of the ride on the elephant-but sorry bruv no way does it beat the picure of mom's ride on the camel how much did we laugh at that im laughing now just thinking of it-does Ronald macdonald spring to mind-good job you know what i mean you will have to explain to dawn or better still we can show her the picture when you return!
Nice to see your getting the beer down you dawn this will increase as you spend more and more time with my bruv- you will need it-oh we havnt seen dave at all tonight once he heard how good and how cheap the beer was he was on the phone!last time we saw him he was ordering a taxi to manchester airport-you may see him on your travels very soon!
Love your journal entries great to catch up with where you are and what youve been doing and we love the photo's too-good to see your faces as we miss you loads.bye for now keep living the dream!love you both-big kiss from jamesx take care lisa mark and james.
Hi bruv,hi dawn.hope your both well-you look fantastic on the photo's so we are no longer worrying that you are living rough or starvin infact it looks like your having too much of a good time!
wicked picture you sent mom of the ride on the elephant-but sorry bruv no way does it beat the picure of mom's ride on the camel how much did we laugh at that im laughing now just thinking of it-does Ronald macdonald spring to mind-good job you know what i mean you will have to explain to dawn or better still we can show her the picture when you return!
Nice to see your getting the beer down you dawn this will increase as you spend more and more time with my bruv- you will need it-oh we havnt seen dave at all tonight once he heard how good and how cheap the beer was he was on the phone!last time we saw him he was ordering a taxi to manchester airport-you may see him on your travels very soon!
Love your journal entries great to catch up with where you are and what youve been doing and we love the photo's too-good to see your faces as we miss you loads.bye for now keep living the dream!love you both-big kiss from jamesx take care lisa mark and james.
Not before its time! hello jason and dawn,the pictures were great.
Read your adventures was excited to hear you went over the bridge of the river kwai-i bet that was a sight to see especially as it was prisoners of war that built the bridge(how clever am i)
It looks fantastic where you are now.
Thanks for the photo it was a lovely surprise looks like you were having great fun-shame i couldnt have been riding on the elephant at the back of you or was i the elephant at the back of you!
Everybody here is fine apart from benji we now have a dog with epilespy!
Look after yourselves.Love you two.mom dave and benjixxxx