Hey yo. quick update for y'all.... firstly, I am having loads of problems trying to upload any pics- keeps crashing!! Still, we are lucky to have wifi access at all here- wasnt really expecting that, so cant complain too much. I have managed to upload about 20 or so from Vegas, still more to come- including loads from San Fran!! We also did a visit to Alcatraz there, forgot about that- so lots of pics of that too! Will keep trying to get then on when I can.
Fiji is great so far- relaxing and hot- we both are sunburnt- not too badly though, Lisa on her back, me on the backs of my legs. Spent a lot of time in the sea today- the sea is actually hot, and really shallow, so all good.
Food isnt too great here, but thats too be expected to some extent. Curry night tonight, so off for what is billed as"beef curry" I wonder if it is actually "beef" .... will wash it down with more fiji bitter tho!!
We did a jungle trek yesterday, which was strenuous and tiring- and wet and muddy!!
Not really sure what we expected, but it was a 2hour trek through thick jungle, in thick mud, and through rivers/streams!! very tiring. It did end with a big swimming hole and waterfall, and we have some cool pics of me cooling down in the falls, which was good (before the long trek back again!!)
So today we have just stayed on the beach, and laid in hammocks reading- nice and chilled!!
about to go for dinner now- thats probably the worst part of it here- dinner is served at 7, if you arent there at 7, you dont eat!! and you have to put your dinner order in by 4, so they know how much to cook- and you are lucky to get more than 2 choices!! choices today were beef curry, vegie curry, or fish and chips!! we are both going for beef curry. Everyone queues up at 7, its like being in a dinner queue back at school!! oh well. we have also decided to try and book an island hopping tour for the next 2 weeks after leaving this hostel, see some of the smaller fijian Islands.
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