Janis and Simon Australia and Pacific Islands 2022
Left Queentown to have a leasurely day with not too many miles to do ...... First coffee stop two of our fellow travellers are lost ..... Just late returning to the bus again! And our driver has to go in search of them ..... We stop and at beauty spot to take photos and our driver gets breathalized by the cops and 15 minute bus check ...... Next stop is a hotel ...... Wine at 11.30 is the only solution. Lunch at a homestead is another wine stop...... So we have seen beautiful scenery and had a lovely day as we only travelled 40 miles but the only photo today that seemed suitable is the one I took at the toilets we stopped at on the way x
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Ma and Pa (Pete & Anna) Just like the toilets at the Ferry Boat,then? 40 miles and only one wine stop? We used to stop every 5 miles on my Round Table outings! X