Cai send me your work times, major catch up! So excited to see you!
i got your email, and you are a legend!! But I don't have an updated CV yet, so I'll get that to you ASAP!
JANE COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going insane without you hahaha
Did you get my email? =/
Send me your CV! =)
Hey Cai
Are you sending them to my yahoo address? I'm not getting them. It's [email protected], not the old hotmail one or my student one (I don't have that anymore either)! But it sounds like we have Halloween plans yay!!
Hey Jane!
Just a little message!
Wow, I really need to catch up with your last week of blogging!!! I wonder what you have been up to. Its weird looking at the little map to see how far you've travelled... and how near the end you are! (Sorry!) Shocking. I bet you're still making the most of it though.
BTW I sent you 2 emails last! One about Hallowe'en -what do you think? Just lemme know, wasn't sure if you got it!
Speak soon!! Caroline XXX
Hi Jane,
I dont wish to disappoint you but Elvis is dead. He is now in the same place as Santa!
What is this "Yo dudes". Is this the result of hundreds of thousands of pounds of government money spent at St Paschal's, St Julie's, Carmel College and Glasgow Uni? I shall have to speak with the Prime Minister tommorrow.
Anyway, our Sunday BBQ was rained off. I think you sent over some of that inclement Florida weather. Monday has not been too bad, quite warm with intermittent sun.
Im getting on with my work but will leave some atx returns for you to do on your return!!
Im sure I had more to say but cant remember so will catch up later.
Have a good time. Speak soon.
Lots of love from us all. xxxxxxxx
Hi Jane,
We have just had our first barbecue of 1st October. How's that for weather. I dont think I could manage in Atlanta, it's far too cold for me. The last time it was this hot in the Uk was when Gel was in her Victorian swim wear outfit on New Brighton beach. In fact there was a picture of her in the Times this week. Mum has sent photos of sunny Childwall.
I see I missed your telephone call again but will catch up with you in the next few days.
Love and all that jazz ( whatever that means).
Dad, mum and uncle albert xxxxx
Hi Jane,
Remember that Martina said that the released US priosoners travel by Greyhound bus. So when your next sitting to someone on the bus just drop into the conversation how the country has changed since you've been out. Let them know that the multiple homicides were not really your fault!!
Dad xxxxx
Hi my favourite daughter,
Good to see you're having a good time. Sounds rather tiring all that travel.
I remembered the composer from St Edwards. You know that good school that I attended back in the 70's when we had proper schools and hard exams! I have heard that Holst is currently composing Planet Elsie and Planet John.
If you havent heard the words 'driver, we're all clear' then I have serious reservations about whether you have been to Florida at all. I am just wondering whether you are suffering from heat stroke?
On the weather front we are experiencing a heat wave in the UK. Some parts of the Uk have hit 31 degress today. As you know it is always sunny in Manvers Road. I am wearing my shorts but there is no change there.
I have noticed a number of strane words creeping into your blogs. Words such as sooooooo. I am now worried that I will not be able to understand you when you get back. It may be a family trait co I recall grandma having a full scale conversation with that lady in Paris without speaking a word of French. And dont forget I can always help you on the old Spanish!
Anyhow have a good trip, stay cool etc and we will speak again. I will keep this short as I have just lost the first typing I think by pressing the back button.
Also dont be too saddened by the fact that Everton lost at the weekend.
The toast is ' the Childwall Abbey'
Buenos noches
Mum. dad and ginger johnny xxxxxxxx
Hey Dad!
Trust you to know the musician, did you get that from 'who wants to be a millionnaire'?
Florida is great, you would hate the humidity! And I only get cold in the air conditioning!
How could I forget 'driver, we're all clear' you never let us forget for years after we left Florida! But I didn't see any of the trams in universal, don't know if it's just disney.
I wish someone would have filmed the 3 of you in a lodge after one if you blew the electrics! I bet you all disturbed the peace and quiet of the Cotswolds!
Siberian flu? When de you go to Siberia? We gave a different name for it across the pond: man flu or a bit of a sniffle. Was the trip to the abbey a self prescription? I'm glad the pub is still there, that's the one thing I've been worried about.
If your the normal one, there's not much hope for us now. I'm not as Ginger as john/mum, just a red tint, so watch it!
I'm sweating buckets at the minute, just got to fort lauderdale and I'm sitting outside at 9pm and it's sticky hot (and I'm being eaten alive by mosquitoes). Storms are forecast all up the coast. I was going to go to Charleston like Mick and Angela suggested, but if the weathers bad I may just he's in land. It's sunny in Georgia, and then I can head to the coast the following week, see how it goes.
Shame about the grapes, hope your orangery and banana trees survived the British hurricane!
Don't miss me too much xXx
Hi Jane,
Just read your Houston Blog with Angela. I think the composer you referred to was Gustav Holst's Planet Suite.
I think he wrote pieces of music on all the planets.
Buenos noches
Dad xxxxxxxxx
Hi Jane,
Good to see you're having a good time in Florida. DDont forget when you get on the disney bus "driver, we're all clear".
It's been many years since we last went there. You will have to take me as I will need a responsible adult to go with- and I use the words loosely!!
We took John back to Portsmouth over the bank holiday weekend. As Victor Meldrew said " you will have to go a long way to beat four and a half hours staring up a horse's bottom". Anyway we got to our lodge in the Cotswolds even if we did blow the electrics when cooking our meal. It must have been ten times bigger than your little American meals!!
Glad to see you didnt get stuck behind any horse boxes on your short greyhound journeys.
Anyhow I've got Siberian flu at the moment. It's ten times worse that your American flu. The doctor has presribed extra trips to the Childwall Abbey. All on the NHS. You dont get that over there!!
THe Childwall Abbey survived the riots so dont worry.
Your mum said that you are going ginger. That leaves only me as the only normal one in the family! Fancy living in a house full of narks?
Hope its not too cold for you over there. Must be a chilly 90 degrees this time of year. Anyhow will you leave all the bad weather over there. Last week you sent the remnants of the hurricane over here and it has ruined my grape crop here in sunny manvers road.
Have a good time and dont miss anything out. Lots of love from dad and the ginger nuts xxx