Nella's spanish and european aventures
so mom and I are actually now in brussels with marisa. we had a wonderful time in austria we visited munich and garmish before leaving germqny and then went to salzburg to tour the city on saturday, going on the sound of music tour and making our way up to the top of the castle to overlook the city for dinner. the next morning we went to salzburg church and heard a special service to celebrate the mozart year, with all mozart music and then spent the day with her aunt and cousins, and the following day with her sister and nieces and nephews; it was so fun they were adorable and so sweet: today we left for brussels and will wander a bit here before ,oving on to paris. (its incredibly difficult to type here as all the letters etc. are backwards so) i will keep this short and mom and i will update later. lots of love: janell, mom, marisa
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