This isn't really a proper blog, more a very quick update on progress so far. After 2 long days of travelling from Utila to Leon in Nicaragua, I deceded to tally up my latest travelling stats:
Miles travelled: 2781
Hours spent travelling: 107
Number of border crossings: 4
Some of the buses have films, but having never grown out of travel sickness I can't watch them. So I've just started to download some podcasts as a bit of a change to music for my journeys, any recommendations/suggestions would be very welcome.
The automatic e mail for the last blog entry didn't seem to go out so you might notice there's an entry about my underwater advertures in Utila on there now along with a load of pics.
That's it for now, will write more about Nicaragua when I've seen a bit more of it - Leon I would describe as the poor relative of Antigua in Guatemala. However I'm sure that Granada, Omtepe (volcanic island in Lake Nicaragua) and surf spot (finally) San Juan del Sur will live up to expectations.
- comments
Eaton and Karen Good to hear from you again Jane.Sorry to hear you caught the lurgi!! Oh the joys of travelling! You seem to have had a good time nevertheless.Keep the news coming.Take care. xxxx
katherine hi jane - hope you are still having a great time. when are you back? I am trying to arrange a little "reunion" with sheryl back in lancaster first week of november. katherine x