I felt compelled to write a message on the site given its excellent content and the hard work that has gone into it. Keep up the good work!!!
Tim Hardisty
i can't believe you did not use the geyser photos for an amusing urination picture. very disappointed, you would have done this if me and woodsy had been there. despite this of course, i am very jealous of your lovely holiday. have you seen any birds? or is james owen just talking to himself again?
Malcolm - A little upset I only found out about your website from Harders. Was I excluded to stop me posting abuse on your message board?! Reference the photo of the trainer - resemblence to the "cool shoes" (Australia 2001)? Discuss. Imagine, if you will, that you are a sleek porpoise.... I'm rambling.
You guys are doing me proud with all your birdwatching...
Dad C
Those binoculars...are the the one's I asked for???
NZ sounds fab..looks like Mum and I will need to add it to our list. Delighted that you're enjoying it. Await fiurther photos. Love to you both.
Hardy's..... wise words!
Tim Hardisty
for god's sake do something interesting
Mum And Liz
Hiya you two shopaholics!
Sounds like you are having a ball!
Malcolm - glad to see you bought some trainers that look exactly the spitting image of the pair you already had! (And they say women buy a lot of shoes...)
Liked the "Elton-a-like" photo. You've missed your calling Lockhart.
Jane - We're glad to see you stocked up on all the essentials in NY - mascara (well I hope it was for you anyway), super strength painkillers, what more does a girl need on an 12 hour flight?
You will be glad to hear that I have had some fresh air today. Not quite up to your sightseeing antics but popped to B&Q anyway (wayhey).
Keep on having fun.
Looking forward to the next installment.
Liz and Mum x x
Excellent to hear all is well. Keep the updates and photos flowing... particularly of NZ so those of us in the office can day dream for even longer every day of doing something entertaining.
Loved the photos! Looks like you are having a fab time. Really liked reading the journal - the comment about tiffanys and the bare-chested man made me laugh.
I'm off work at the mo (Mum's probably filled you in on the gruesome details) so this cheered me up!
Look forward to seeing you progress on the trip.
Have fun.
Love to both of you.
Liz x