Hi Everyone,
Well I've made it this far.I left Edinburgh on a beautiful sunny morning my sister Irene saw me off, made sure I was going and not hibernating at home for three months arrived in London in the pouring rain and also attracted some interest as I was going through security enough to qualify for "special screening" I was fair roasting so it was quite nice to strip off for a while,I was suprised they could even see me in the crowd as I seem to be surrounded by very tall people.No comments thankyou very much.
The flight out was very good Quantas knows how to treat their passengers,the skies were clear all the way over and the views were terrific especially over Nothern India even though it was getting dark by then.
My brother Jim met me at the airport in Perth,he spotted me right awayI was walking about in a wee dwam,still trying to adjust to the time span.
I've had a really nice time with my family in Mandurah I've been thoroughly spoiled,I met Jim's grand daughter Ebbany who will be 11 in October,she was a wee treat,has a lovely smile and a little chatter box.Mandurah has changed dramatically since I was last here, lots of new buildings going up.Jim and I walked along the shore quite a few days, the Dolphins swim up to the edge,they come in at high tide.I will be very sad to move on could have stayed and welcomed the summer in but time waits for no man.
I'm off to meet up with Alison in Melbourne on the 31st,I've got my earplugs and throat lozenges in my pocket,she'll be chattering away like a wee budgie but I'm really looking forward to catching up with her,from Melbourne we go to New Zealand will catch up with you all then
Love,Janet xx
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