Hello from Kuala Lumpur! This is our first day here after arriving last night from Ko Samui. I did not bother with a postcard from Samui because it was crap to be honest. The airport was just a sea of sweating, fat, sunburnt, tattooed, aged, stinking common tourists and they covered that island like an infestation of horrible little insects. Anyone going to Thailand DONT do Samui!!! but it was the only place with an ariport nearby so there you have it. Kuala Lumpur is pretty cool although we havent seen a great deal of it yet. We arrived late last night in the centre of China town and stayed in some little chinky hotel. It wasnt much fun but it was ok for that time of night, also squashing the cockroaches in the lobby provided a slight form of consolation. We have just found a new place to stay which seems better and its about 15 quid a night for 2 beds. The locals here are not like the Thais. In Thailand they all smile at you where as here they all look at you like they want to take your wallet or your kidney! Its pretty damn hot here, about 35 degrees at the moment but humid in the city. Its suprising how quickly you get used to being in the heat though. There have been a couple of slightly sunburnt days especially when you spend hours in the sea but we are covering ourselves in suncream now so it shouldnt be a problem. I guess we will probably spend about 3 or 4 days here before going to Singapore. Theres some good stuff about to see like big caves and rainforests and whatnot although its a little more expensive to travel around than in Bangkok. Im currently in a big internet place in a shopping mall about the size of a football stadium. There is so much electronic rubbish for sale and endless mobile phone stalls. The Malaysians seem to be quite into all that sort of crap so I think we are going to head off to China town tonight as we spotted an interesting market their last night. All the store owners here greet you by saying 'alright mate' in an interesting East London accent which i think should be adopted by everyone because its pretty funny. Anyway its time to upload some photos before these guys empty my wallet so take care from J
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