....material slightly adjusted to maintain repect with the locals
I liked this one! It truly justifies the saying..."when in Rome, do as the Romans do"! I could've sworn you're almost wearing a thong! You cracked me up, in all the literal meaning of the word! lol :))
I liked this one! It truly justifies the saying..."when in Rome, do as the Romans do"! I could've sworn you're almost wearing a thong! You cracked me up, in all the literal meaning of the word, you sweet butt cheeks! lol :))
Marisol I liked this one! It truly justifies the saying..."when in Rome, do as the Romans do"! I could've sworn you're almost wearing a thong! You cracked me up, in all the literal meaning of the word! lol :))
Marisol I liked this one! It truly justifies the saying..."when in Rome, do as the Romans do"! I could've sworn you're almost wearing a thong! You cracked me up, in all the literal meaning of the word, you sweet butt cheeks! lol :))