James and Ellie in Europe
Day 9:
We set off from Munich at 9:30 - the train was already delayed and we arrived in Vienna late. This was unacceptable after all the prompt swiss trains!!
The station we arrived at seemed to be in the middle of nowhere and we were starving. After lots of faffing around we eventually found a pizza restaurant that was just about to close (it was near 3 O'clock at this point!), but luckily they fed us anyway.
Again, we still didn't know where to go next, being very conscious that time was running out, and having no idea if the train we had planned to get actually existed or not! So we hit an internet cafe to plan the rest of our time. This consisted of...
the quickest ever visit to the Belvedere gallery where we saw the paintings of Van Gogh, Monet, Munch, and most importantly, Gustav Klimt. "The Kiss" was very beautiful and made us both very emotional.... aw!
Next we U-Bahned it at full speed to Vienna Zoo...we got there with half an hour to go before closing but still had time to see all that we wanted to as no-one else was actually there save for a few stragglers... They have a pair of Giant Pandas, two new-born (twin) Tiger cubs, Timberwolves (which Ellie really wanted to see as during each visit to Belfast Zoo they ran away and hid from her hehe). We got lots of cool photos but still can't upload any which sucks. Maybe we'll have to do it when we get back / ho hum.
Then we visited St Stephens Cathedral and Karlskirche quickly before leggin it back to Vienna West Station. We had to buy our dinner from the Co-OP (AGAIN!!!!) before making our train to Breclav with minutes to spare.....
We settled down on a near empty train and watched the sun go down over fields of wind turbines - beautiful.
The guard told us that we had to get a "special bus service" because part of the track was flooded. When we returned to the train it was now a single coach train and we (having already been attacked by mozzies) weren't nearly so happy. When we got to Breclav we found nothing whatsoever to entertain us except a random Hawaiian hippie and more mozzies.
The last hour and a half of our day was spent sat at Breclav station (which is just over the border in the Czech Republic) hiding under jumpers/towels from (literally hundreds of) mozzies and praying for our train to turn up!!
James and Ellie
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