Evenin' all,
So since our last blog ..
We went to a L.A. Dodgers baseball game with the group which was amazing! We had the classic hot dogs and beer and screamed at every opportunity; they also had a kiss cam which sadly didn't go on Chris and I but did focus on a sweet couple and then the guy proposed!! There was also a dance cam so of course I boogied but never went on the screen - to Chris' relief ha. Chris and I really got into the game and actually understood what was going on and had to explain to the rest of the group. It was also the 50th anniversary of the L.A. Dodgers so at the end of the game they had spectacular fireworks which also rounded off our trip together perfectly. We had a quick tour around Hollywood and the walk of fame but were all so exhausted so hit the sack. We all had breakfast together then headed off our separate ways.
The journey to our hostel wasn't too difficult, we had a quick wonder around Santa Monica pier and muscle beach then had a marvellous nap. The next day there wasn't too much on the agenda except for going to the supermarket and washing our clothes. Thankfully we were allowed to change rooms rather than spending the whole week in separate rooms, Chris shot-gunned the bottom bunk! Even though Santa Monica is a lovely area with expensive shops and a gorgeous beach, poverty is still very prevalent. It's shocking how many people are in wheelchairs and sit at the side of the road begging; they almost become part of the scenery. Which reminds me Chris and I have been fairly tempted to sit next to them and split the money we make i.e. the money is running out! Rather than worrying we have decided to turn into a fun challenge of how much we can do for as little money as possible :-) another travelling experience.
So on Monday rather than paying $40 to go on a sightseeing tour we bought two $6 all day bus tickets and did our own tour. The bus is a tour all on its own from a man threatening another man for stepping on his foot, from the crazy lady who kept laughing spontaneously, to people just generally being intoxicated. Our first stop was Rodeo Drive; stunning shops none of which I dared go in although I went up to what I thought was a window but then realised it was a door as it began to slide open so ran away haha. Second stop was Lacma Museum; we thought it was free but wasn't so we walked around the grounds and just stared at Americans as their so fascinating! Third stop was the Farmers Market; my favourite part of the tour with all the different stalls, we treated ourselves to some cheese and crackers then some yummy ice cream. Fourth and final stop was the walk of fame and Hollywood sign; they were closing off the road as that night there was the premiere of the new Cameron Diaz film. We walked up the walk of fame but mainly jogged to avoid all the people selling things or thrusting headphones on your head to try and sell their music- India all over again but not as bad haha one guy showed me a magic trick and filmed my reaction, I felt famous!
Next day UNIVERSAL STUDIOS! It was pretty traumatic trying to get there as so many people were giving us different directions, even worse when they keep sipping from their hip flask at 8am! We took the 704 to Wilshire and Vermont Bvl then got the metro to Universal. Something L.A. and America can learn from us is a better public transport system as well as learning how to signpost things properly...anyway that's enough moaning. Once we got on the shuttle to the park I had loads of honeymooniio flashbacks, all excited to go on the rides and scream! We had the most successful day as we went on every ride and saw every show; expert queuers! First ride was Chris' favourite the Simpsons ride, we went straight on and loved it. We also went on Jurassic Park, the Mummy, Terminator, Shrek, saw the animal show and Water world etc. But there is a brand new Transformers ride which wasn't supposed to open until May 25th but they opened it early to test woohoo. To round the day off we ate some sweets watching the Blues Brothers; but whether you believe this or not I was asked to dance on stage, I didn't volunteer! Chris was just grateful that he wasn't picked- I loved it!
Today we went to the beach and soaked up some rays but only for a couple of hours, poor Chris was getting too hot. We're now back at the hostel pondering on what to have for dinner: pizza or noodles again! To keep food prices down to a minimum we eat the free breakfast they provide then secretly make our lunch from their bread and cream cheese, we've bought fruit and just drink tap water. For dinner we have a luxurious starter of noodles then pizza for main then for desert .... Noodles - cant make this up. It's all about being thrifty - God help us in New York ( no free breakfasts). But we're enjoying it all non-the-less with the great weather and Chris' charm :-)
Tomorrow were going on a free trip to the Getty museum and as our tickets to Universal include a second day free that's where we'll be on Friday. Saturday is our last day in L.A. so will probably leave the hostel at check out time 11am then figure out where to go with our heavy bags for 10 hours until we go the airport for our flight. Hope all are well at home and that the weather is improving.
Love and miss you all, Love Jess & Chris xxx
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