Adelaide & our sad goodbye :( 30th October - 2nd November 2010
The main event in Adelaide was us saying our very sad goodbye to each other and all the bits leading up to it.
We've spent 6 months together (or 2 days short of 6 months as Selena would say ;)), day in and day out. I could easily count the number of times we've been apart on one hand and we haven't had so much as a single falling out, which of course made going our separate ways even harder. Selena's going to stay in Oz and get a job over Christmas with the intention of staying away for the full year, and I'm going to come home for my birthday as it will be the 3.0. in February. If anyone's stuck for pressie idea, you guys just let me know I've got a list a mile long! Hahaha.
I finally decided to sort all my stuff out in my backpack and anything I didn't need was either to be sent home or thrown away. It's all very well and good carry an extra bag or two when you're on a coach, but I can only take one hold bag and one carry on bag on all the flights (and there's going to be quite a lot of them over the next few months), so I really needed to sort it out.
Selena has nicked named me for obvious reasons and this task was no exception. I left it til about an hour before my transfer to the airport before finally getting to the post office and sending everything back. It cost near on $100, but at least I've got some room in my back pack for tacky souvenirs. :)
So anyway, back to our last day together.When we got to Oz we made a list (yes, very unlike me to make a list I know - hey I'm a Project Manager, I can't help it!) and one of those things was stereotypically to put a shrimp on the Barbie. So on our last night we finally got round to it - another ;) All over Australia they have BBQ areas anyone can use - in parks & on beaches, so we set off to the nearest park. We got the Barbie going, got the goon out and on went the food - halloumi cheese, prawns, smoked fish with a butter sauce, corn on the cob and chicken skewers. Did I mention the diet is going to start once I've left my diet sabotage, hehehe. We must have been there nearly a couple of hours in the end and we had such a good time.Although our BBQ did come under attack from the biggest Ant either of us had ever seen. Seriously, it could only have been the result from some kind of science experiment or nuclear disaster! It was so big I wouldn't have been surprised if a few of them could have carried off a small child back to their nest. I was naturally chasing it around trying to take a picture of it next to my phone so you could all see just how big it was. The thing was launching into a full on attack mode at me and I could even see it's eyes moving around - disgusting! I'd also got Selena a little leaving pressie. She'd brought me a bracelet when we were in Cairns and I wanted to have something I'd got her too, and I'd finally managed to track down the perfect gift. Again completely as I'd only managed to sort it out that day and had to make up an excuse whilst we were on the internet to pop next door so I could buy it. I made her clean her hands as the messy cow was covered in food :) and she was saying 'I don't trust you, what are you up to' - charming! I'd brought her a slap the goon t-shirt and I told her I wanted a pic of her drinking from a bag of goon in it. ;) Good times.
I packed my back pack which has somehow got even bigger even though I've sent a load of stuff back and we went to wait for the transfer. When it came I managed to talk the driver into letting Selena come with me and him giving her a lift back for free. :) She came to the check-in desk with me and once I was checked in we went downstairs, (I fell over my flip flop as I do all the time, completely styled it out and we both just smirked at each other), she got back on the transfer bus and we waved each other goodbye. It was so sad, and I couldn't help crying under my sunglasses. :( I instantly felt lost and we were both texting each other within about 10 minutes.
I then had a complete nightmare trying to get to the gate as the gate I was told to go to was sign posted for domestic flights even though I was flying to Singapore. I ended up going through security twice, which isn't fun when there's complete jobs worths working it and wondering why they've seen you already today. Errr maybe because you guys clearly don't understand the difference between domestic & international flights and manage to confuse the hell out of all your passengers who actually understand the concept or air travel?!
I thought the flight to Singapore would be really strange but it I actually had a really good time. Qantas (long haul) rocks. Each seat has a TV in the seat in front and they have so much entertainment to choose from. I ended up watching SATC2 and the A team. Also got chatting to an old bloke who'd been to Singapore 11 times and he gave me a huge list of all the places I should visit, most of which I'd never even heard of in the guidebooks. Excellent start. :)
- comments
mum Its very sad that you two have parted company, you must be true friends, to have shared each others lives for so long, without a cross word between you. Take care of yourself now .all my love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx