We are now in Phnom Penh. We are staying in a hostel which is right on the Mekong River! It is such a pretty view. We've only been here one day but we already really like it. They do my banana pancake everywhere so I am sooo happy! We went to a supermarket and found Reese's peanut butter cup ice cream we couldn't believe it! Everything is in dollars so it's taking a little while to get used to it. All the people here are so nice which we wasn't expecting. We walked to The Royal Palace today which is two minutes from our hotel it was massive and so pretty. We saw so many pigeons we haven't seen them for so long. Supposedly it's meant to be a very poor country but we have constantly been seeing the most expensive fresh new cars! They have the most pavements we've seen for ages we don't have to walk on roads like we have been for the past 5 months. When we arrived it was the start of Pchum Ben Festival which is a festival that honours the dead! So basically everything has been shut since the day we got here but it all re-opens tomorrow. We just we went for lunch and three children came over offering us bracelets and started playing little games with them. They were adorable and we walked back to our hotel and I held the little boys hand and Tom was picking the other boy up in the air and he loved it! All the locals were looking at us like we were so nice walking with them. One little boy had eczema all on his hands and feet. So last night we went for a walk along the river front which was really pretty. We went to cross a road but a massive dustbin truck was on the road they all started shouting and as I went to cross the road they had hit live cables and one fell down and hit me! Thought I was going to be electrocuted! Luckily I was fine and they just drove off! We were having lunch and a little girl came over to our table and pointed at Tom and said "greasy man" I could not stop laughing! I don't think they are too keen on his beard. After that comment Tom has finally shaved his beard off! We went for dinner and the girl came over and started squeezing his cheeks! Then gave me kisses on my face she was adorable. One of the boys wouldn't leave Tom alone even climbed on his lap and started kissing him and snotting all over him haha. We visited the Killing Fields and yes it was raining! We got there and watched a 15 minute film explaining everything that went on and it was just horrific I had tears! Due to it raining we could actually see bones sticking out from the grounds from where all the bodies have been buried. There were memorial trees with loads of bracelets showing respect from visitors which was really nice. It wasn't an enjoyable experience but we are very glad we went. We were woken up every night by the people next to us which was a little annoying. We are now on our way to Sihanoukville. We woke up this morning and Tom threw up so we didn't pick the best day to travel! We are on the mini bus now and he is sleeping so hopefully he will feel better when we get there. We've just stopped.... And the tyre has burst again! Flipping hellllllllllll!
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