It's here already! Time for us to begin our travels!
Woke up 4.45 and I was shattered. Jacob was very lively and excited!
We both met Graeme and Estelle at the bag drop in and we went on the same flight.
The flight was very quick and Jacob fell asleep. I was sort of bored on the flight so was chuffed that the flight was quicker than I expected! When we arrived, we picked up our bags and were on our way to our hostel!
The hostel we stayed at was called stayokay vondelpark, it was at a nice location, just a few stops by trams and it was right by the park.
We checked in at 11 and we weren't able to go in our room until 2pm.
Jacob was feeling really ill, we sat down in bar to wait and we all ate nanchos (apart from Jacob)
At 2 we finally went on the room! It contained two bunk beds and we were all shattered so we had a nap. Jacob woke me up and he was looking a lot better! We all got up and went out!
We had a look in a condom shop which contained so many weird condoms! We then went to the sex museum, I must say I was impressed as it was so tiny when we were outside but inside... It was huge!! I had a small scare when I approached a dark corner with a statue and there was a sensor on ceiling so it sensed I was there...the light came on and a ugly naked woman statue moved up to me!
We all looked at red light district to see what it looked like during the day time!
It was very different from what I expected! We had a stroll around and had dinner.
We then went to a coffee shop, hunters and I had hash brownies (whatever you call it) Graeme ate it in one go, Estelle and I was gonna eat half only but we both ended up eating whole thing!
I didn't feel much effect but Graeme was affected! It was getting darker, Estelle and Graeme went back to hostel. Me and Jacob stayed behind as he said it was worth it to see it in night time. So we waited until it got dark and I could understand what he meant. It was completely different from day time.
I was amazed with how many women they had in red light district!
We went down a transsexual alley and we saw a proper manlike woman with a bulge and all!
Went back to hostel to get a good sleep!
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