Closure and Statistics:
Length of trip: 154days
Countries Visited: 10
Longest time spent in a country: 35days (Australia)
Shortest time spent in a country: 3days (Hong Kong)
59 hours and 35 mins spent on planes. Average flight time = 6 hours and 40mins
302 hours spent on trains/buses = 12days and 14hours. Average 1hr 55mins each day
Books read:17. Averaged 1 book per 9 days
Reading list:
The Client - John Grisham
The street lawyer - John Grisham
Northern Lights - Philip Pullman
The Subtle Knife - Philip Pullman
The Amber Spyglass - Philip Pullman
Atonement - Ian McEwan
Motorworld - Jeremy Clarkson
Angels & Demons - Dan Brown
The Poisonwood Bible - Sandra Kingsolver
The Hit List - Chris Ryan
Don't Stop Me Now - Jeremy Clarkson
The Eleventh Commandment - Jeffrey Archer
The Killing Fields - Christopher Hudson
Strike Back - Chris Ryan
Stupid White Men - Michael Moore
The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
Mr Nice - Howard Marks
A nice balance?
Amusing Stat:Matt averaged a vomit every 10 days
Weight lost: 7Kg
Average cost of 1 day in Australia/NZ: £55-60
Average cost of 1 day in Asia: £13-18
Weird food eaten:
Chicken heart, intestine, brain, foot, liver and kidney.
Bull Penis
Snake egg
Some other odd stuff too I'm sure.
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