Hey Everyone,
Very very very quick up date as I have had issues uuploading my photos but I have tryed to upload a number of them to my facebook account so you can find them there for now.
An interesting introductory couple of days to say the least. The most unbearable heat hit me immediately as I got of the Boeing 777 Ethiad plane (i.e. best flight to date). I werent sure whther I would manage, particularly after I had an airconditioned bus- taxi to my accomodation and being so you used my home cool, tempremental climate back home, UK. Nevertheless, I did manage one night without aircon at the accfomodation but after that there ws no turning back I either got used to it or payed for aircon. For an etra 2.00 pound a night that is exactly what I did; payed for aircon.
I met so many interesting people from the get go; Rose & Adam, Elena & Adam, Nathan & Sarah and ...... me, single. Where is my girlfriend :s I was missing her and my family already particularly after seeing all these couples. Oh well there were other single travels who I have met and have continued to trvel with through teaching and to Ko Phangan. Luke, Jess, Kate, Hollie, Meg, Molly, Helena, Harriet, Chris, Jess 2. Of course I ave met many more during my time here so far but these are the main characters who I have stuck with!
Now for a little teaching! Me an kate spent approx 3 hours planning for our weeks lessons teaching English at Ban Kalai nowhere near what I am trained for in the UK (One hour per lesson :o), never the less it still did feel like forever and a day in the office with no aircon (yes consistent heat and sweat dripping from me). First day a school was a shocker: we were served a whole chicken with feet and all inards; blagged two of our first lessons and finally the most shocking TWO CHILDREN BEING CANED WITH FRESH BAMBOO. The soldier like headmaster drew blood from their leg the way he hti them. It was horrible. After this wake up call me and Kate thought we will really try maike a difference to the primary school pupils we teach and so we did...... Loved every minute and so did the kids. Although completely different to teaching the science, but I the pedagogy was very similar.
Finally, we are now on an island at Ko phangan preparing for the full moon party which can be dangerous if you are alone but we are stuicking together as a group of 9 so we should be ok. Amazing island and by far soem of the best views I have seen in my life.
Thats all for now and hopefully I will be able to stick an updat on the second week teaching and all other experienceas I have.
Miss You Izzie, Mum, Dad, Ernest, Helen, Tom, Grandma and all family and friends
Speak Soon
Love Jak (13.07.14) xxxxx
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