Hello everyone - thanks for your messages. It really made my day when I got on and there so many. They were very entertaining.
Cuba is wonderful. There are lots of vintage cars, cigar smoking men and large women in small outfits. This country must be so grateful for the invention of lycra!!
We have been to Havana, Camaguey, Santa Clara andwe are now in trinidad. The weather is wonderful. The food is plentiful if not very good. Not too sure about bean stew but it seems to be one of their favourites.
Last night went to a disco in a cave. We had to walk up a rocky track to a deserted church where men were hanging out around their cars with their headlights on like some sort of scene from a movie. We then had to go these steps carved out of the stone to go into the cave. It was pretty cool and I got to dance to Lady Gaga and Black Eyed Peas. The walk down was a bit hair raising - where was me head torch when I needed it!
Anyway my time is up and this message has taken 45 minutes to write as the screen kept freezing.
Hopefully catch up soon.
Love Jackie
Jackie Fisher
Hello guys
I am here in Cuba. internet not great - already lost the last meassage I have written and I cannot get onto the blog.
I am well and having a really good time. Keep the messages coming and when I can write I will.
Love Jackie
Hi Guys. I've put on my entrepreneurs hat and come up with an amazing idea to make some quick cash. Having found a niché in the market, I'm looking for several investors to help set up a new company supplying broadband internet to South America. This time next year we'll be millionaires!!
Aunty Pia
Jackie hasn't written yet but no worries. The site is interesting enough just reading the other comments!
Hope you are ok niece and having a good time. X
ha ha luke very good - how do you think of these things. come on jack move countrys soon so you can get in touch. might just simply text u to get some news. byeeeeee
Jackie has been in touch with my mum and there is no internet connection where she is so probably not going to get any news until she moves from cuba. xxxx Phil xxxx
Hiya. I've been checking for progress each day too - don't keep us in suspense any longer! Hope you're having a great time :)
Love Jen.x
Guys, just discovered why Jack's not been back in touch yet - we've got the wrong site address!! This site is 'www.offexploring.com', Jackie is actually using 'www.offignoring.com' - the site for travellers who don't want to be bothered while they're half way around the world having the time of their lives!!
Simple mistake to make. See you on the other site in a mo? ;)
Hi Jack
Not sure whether to keep writing notes. you'll neva get through them all. Hope ur having a good time and still lookin foward to your first blog.
xxxx Phil, Dan and Jack
Hi Jack
Got word last night that you're there safe and well. I understand there's no broadband connection where you are, which also means Starbucks haven't made it as far as Havana yet. No internet and no Caramel Frappuccino Grande? I bet you wish you were back in Liverpool!!
We eagerly await the Cuban carrier pigeon ;)
LJ x
Hi Jack
Hope u r ok? ive just got back from my weekend exploring stamford bridge - short but sweet.
Hurry up with some news. Phil xxxx
Hi Jack
Seems we're all queueing up for news. Hope you are havana great time. Have you had the obligatory cigar??
Bloody ell, this is almost as agonising as waiting to hear about Rooney's ankle injury!! Anybody fancy a chat until Jackie gets blogging? No? Just a thought.
She's probably off somewhere smoking cigars with some fit Cuban guy.