Hiya. Just seen all your photos - thanks for my personal beetle one! :) It all looks fab, I could so do with a holiday right now! Hopefully speak to you soon..............Jen.x
Aunty Pia
Hi Jackie, just checked your blog to see what you are up to.
You seem to be having an exciting time and it's great to read about your adventures.
Take care. xx
Hi Jacks
Sorry its been sooo long - hope to see u on syke soon. my life has been hectic, manic and pretty s*** so knackered. hope things are ok. get in touch soon. Love Phil xxxx
Hey Jack, sorry it's been a while since I've left a message, seems I've either been decorating or working (with a little sleep thrown in between!).
Anyway, it's a roasting hot sunday afternoon here, and while Joanna's kicking back in the garden, watching Alfie play in his paddling pool, can you guess where I am? That's right, I'm sat in the office working. it's all good though, when I get home I'm gonna change into something a little more comfortable, grab a nice cold beer... and do some painting... and then go to bed!
Hope you're still enjoying yourself, your blogs are the stuff of legend.
Maybe Skype soon? LJx
Jackie, Jack has installed skype on my laptop but unfortunately webcam not working yet, but I will be able to see you. Jack is also installing it all on Glyn's so hopefully we will be able to skpe eachother. Hope so. It would be lovely to see you. Love, Mumx
Rosie And John
Hi Jackie, just been reading your blogs, sounds like you are having a great time! Can just imagine you with your mile high cocktails. All quiet at QQ, can't really report anything exciting here. Mr G still in residence. Good to see you on skype, hopefully we can catch up again soon. Take care R & J xxx
Great reading all your blogs as usual. And even better speaking to you the other day - that was a lovely surprise :)
I did have a relaxing day yesterday, having my facial/massage and glass of bubbly! Think I've almost shaken that headache off now too.
Going to visit another house just come on the market this evening. Hopefully that will give me something positive to focus on.
Still thinking of you as always and hope the rest of your travel plans sort themselves out...........xx
Jackie Dazzler
Just to let everyone know I survived the walk up a live volcano. It was really awesome but quite scary. The flowing lava was great and we got so close we could feel the heat. The sacry bit was walking over the hot volcanic rocks. They were really sharp and would have caused an injury if I had fallen on them. There were a couple of close moments as we were clambering over them but thankfully I did not stack it.
Love Jackie
HI Jacks
Sooooooo great to talk last night - weird isnt it. was gud to see you. hope u have enjoyed yr day walking up the mountain.
luv ya see ya soon hopefully Phil xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya. Thinking of you, so thought I'd say hello again! So wish I was there right now - could really do with some sun and relaxation! :)
Hope you're still having a great time. Can't wait for the next blog entry........
Love Jen.xx
Hi Jacks
Seen ur email to mum how come even thousands of miles away ur still bossy and demanding!!!! somethings will neva change eh??
I do miss u and wish I could be experiencing this instead of the crap I am - work is horrendous beyond words really. Taking ova my life, sleep, me (who am I anyway??) I will try and email you as well.
Love Ya Phil xx
(ps managed to get dan to have a good hair cut so he doesnt now resemble a rug rat) ha ha ha
Lucy (And Hannah)
Hiya Jackie - Great to see your update. Have sent you an email with a pic of Hannah on it, and a message. How's the Spanish coming on?