So we’re practically on our final leg of travelling only another three weeks-ish. It’s sad that its coming to an end but, I think were also excited to go back to our normal lives with everyone at home, Chilli, Dixie and all the tv we’ve got to catch up on.
Most of the people we’ve met and all the people we’ve made friends here in Cairns are much older then us, have been in and out of jobs here in Australia/ New Zealand for about a year and they are all Irish! It’s very strange the amount of Irish people staying around us, none new each other before and it seems like they will go home the best of friends.
When we arrived in Cairns the first thing we noticed was the heat, because we were near the top of Australia its was the hottest its been for us since we’ve been away, its tropical here, very humid and sometimes clear blue skied.
Were staying in a place that was recommended to us called Gilligan’s. It’s by far the best place we’ve stayed so far, I’ll hopefully being putting some pictures up later so you guys can see. We got one of our nights free, which saved us a bit of money and like I mentioned there’s some great people in our room, bit hard to understand sometimes but a good laugh. Cairns doesn’t really have loads to do here because we’re going to do the great barrier reef further down, so mainly were just enjoying the party atmosphere and having a good weekend before we pick up the campervan.
We’ve also discovered the sweet tasting ‘goon’!
And every night its like “Get On The Goon”…(in an irish accent)…
It’s just basically wine in a 4 litre box, its very hard to control your senses after a couple of glasses!
We’ve also met ‘The Goon Man”, a massive welsh lad, with ‘the goon man’ tattooed on his back, who on special occasions belts out…”I’d rather wear a turban than a rose, I’d rather wear a turban than a rose, id rather wear a turban, I’d rather wear a turban, I’d rather wear a turban than a rose!”
There’s nothing more to say about Cairns really, it has a nice lagoon by the waters edge…and it’s really hot [jack says]…We’ve spent most nights drinking on our balcony and other room’s balcony’s with friends, and that’s probably why this has been the best place yet.
Well were in our campervan now after a little bit of hassle and a lot of help from The Palmer family we’re off and running. We’ve got a lot more space then we thought we would have and we’ve both got used to driving this hefty vehicle around Australia.
We’re parked up now in caravan park on Magnetic Island, after a nice hot day on the beach. And, yes! Despite the shark threat I got in the water a little bit.
Speak soon, Tom & Jack xx
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